The Need To Show More Compassion By Not Judging Others

You, yes you, who doesn’t care about anyone but yourself. What if there’s a choice you can make, that can alter the course of your life for the better. Know there is. It’s the choice of moving away from constantly judging others, and moving towards a state of compassion.

Compassion is defined as not being self-centered, not having a big ego, but instead showing empathy. A deep caring for the pain of others, accompanied with a will to help.

There’s nothing that feels better, and more comforting than showing the …

Why You Should Be Developing An Attitude Of Gratitude

What does Gratitude really mean? Most of us are thankful for the blessings we have in our lives. We have families we love, jobs that help us provide the necessities of daily living, good health, friends to laugh and play with, freedom and Free Will to live our lives the way we want to.

Most of us are very grateful for these blessings, but how often do we stop to focus and reflect on that? Probably not as often as we should. Why is gratitude even important? Sure, we’re thankful …