How To Handle Scathing Criticism Directed Your Way

Do you go into “pout” mode, once you find yourself on the receiving end of some scathing criticism, even if you deserve it or not. All while you have no problem dishing it out yourself.

Some of this criticism might be constructive, misplaced, perhaps even slightly mean spirited or playful. But it stings on the ego all the same.

Logically, you know we humans are prone to mistakes, including yourself. But you think you’re immune, so you would rather believe you’re free of it, or don’t deserve it.

Eventually, once …

Logical Approaches On How To Handle Criticism Effectively

how you should logically handle yourself when criticizedDo you go into “pout” mode once you find yourself on the receiving end of some scathing criticism, deservedly or not, while not being able to dish it out yourself. Some of it may be misplaced, perhaps even slightly mean spirited, playful, or constructive, but it stings and is painful to hear all the same. Intellectually, you know that you’re prone to blunder, make the occasional mistake, but you’re a big boy (or gal) now, so you’d rather believe that you’re free of it.

Once you’re reminded or told, …