Here Are The Signs You Are A Fully Grown Mature Adult

We all know someone in our lives, who appears to be a fully grown adult complete with family, holding down a responsible job, but there are red flags. Behind the scenes, their mind and actions remain immature, living in an existence of ego and anger.

This is the “man child,” or the woman who can’t control her emotions, thus unpredictable and percolating towards a mental breakdown.

So what does it mean, for an adult to be considered fully grown and mature.

Being a mature individual, doesn’t refer to just squeaking …

10 Signs Of Becoming A More Mature Responsible Adult

The passage towards adulthood can be a rocky one. A crooked path some may never grow into completely. The biggest sign is how we knowingly harm ourselves and our health on purpose, especially when younger. Most are aware of their mistakes, whether intentional or not.

The definition of being immature, is doing the same detriment over and over again, knowing it’s wrong, but you do it anyways.

There are cases where people will intentionally pose harm on themselves, despite they knowing the consequences of their actions.

Becoming a full fledged …

7 Signs You’ve Become A Fully Grown Mature Adult… Or Not

We all know someone in our lives, who appears to be all grown up with family, friends and a life. They hold down responsible jobs, yet their minds remain immature. This is the “man child,” or the woman who can’t control their emotions, thus unpredictable.

So what does it mean, for adults to be considered mature.

Being a mature individual, doesn’t refer to just squeaking by making a living, being able to pay the bills on time, attempting to be a good parent or spouse.

But rather, it’s more on …