Since Tomorrow Never Comes The Time To Act Is Right Now

Most are just too busy running around trying to survive, arrange their lives to be somewhere, usually somewhere else, wanting to be anywhere but here. Learning to become grateful, will grant you the freedom from the hypnosis of a culture that’s constantly looking to make themselves be, feel better.

What we want is to always be somewhere else financially, geographically, to have better relationships.

We often want to be anywhere rather than right here, and that if we’re somewhere else, it’s in the hopes our lives would get better.

This …

Since Tomorrow Never Comes Act On Your Dreams Today

We are just too busy running around trying to live our lives to the fullest, trying to arrange our existence for a better tomorrow, to be somewhere other than where we are right now. Where we should be instead is living in and at the moment.

Realize what learning to be mindful, to be grateful will do is grant you the freedom from the hypnosis of a culture, that’s constantly looking to make ourselves be and feel better.

What we all want is to be better off than we currently …