How The Odds Are Against You When It Comes To Retail Trading

tradingthefinancialmarketsfromhomeThis especially if your new to the Financial Markets and new to trading, your biggest initial challenge is that you’re immediately trading against all of the brightest and concise minds which the financial world and society in general has been able to produce.

So if you happen to be a retail investor in any of the financial markets, you’re usually putting up your own capital and trading against all of these money geniuses which are produced by all of the top institutions, while you’re most likely armed with far less …

The Psychology Of Successfully Trading The Markets Is Not A Sport

traderplayingbasketballThe ultimate goal of any successful trader is to cut losses as tight and small as possible, regardless if whether they’re wrong or right by staying within the rules. Losses do not discriminate. The trader must also instantly be able to recognize and then admit that they’re in “lose” mode on a particular trade. This after the realization that they admit they cannot and don’t control the movement of the markets.

You need to have the discipline to know that you and only you are capable of doing substantial financial …