The Need To Love Yourself First Before Loving Anyone Else

You become smitten meeting someone new, someone who can make a dent on the “matter” scale. The hope is this initial spark is mutual and can become potentially eternal love. But then, you’ve experienced this feeling of swoon before.

You wonder why it’s so difficult to keep these juices flowing long term, when it comes to keeping and sustaining an everlasting relationship.

Why does that mercurial rise of the “love” chemicals, which initially existed in the relationship, suddenly fade away and comes to a standstill.

It appears inevitable any love …

When Alone Refocus Your Life And Get Your Priorities Straight

it's okay to be alone and reflectAny new relationship is created at its core foundation when you’re stationed in the planning stages, this when you’re single and alone. It’s generally thought that most relationships will have a greater chance of survival when you have recently spent some time reflecting, being completely unconnected.

What you do with the downtime becomes critical. If you’re interested in attracting that perfect relationship that you want, then you need to be the best person that you can be, starting with a fresh clean slate.

With each successive relationship that you have, …

You Need To Find And Complete Yourself First Before Love Comes

finding your other halfSmitten is one upon first meeting someone. Graced with the sparks that the feeling is mutual and potentially eternal. But why then is it so difficult to keep these juices flowing long term, when it comes to keeping sustainable everlasting relationships.

Why does that momentum, the once mercurial rise of affection in the relationship slow down, and then comes to a standstill. Is it inevitable that any love affair after a certain period of time, that the initial freshness will turn into doom, devastating boredom.

Or what can be worse …