The Secret To Living A Longer Life Is Right In Front Of You

They proclaim there is a fountain of youth, and there are ways on how you too can feel more vibrant and chipper once you begin to grow older. You can do it yourself, you can pump up your stamina, look and feel younger, get rid of those saggy wrinkles, and it’s easier than you think.

Those are the words which are continuously being streamed by the countless health gurus and medical experts, who are pushing their latest greatest miracle “look younger” solution.

A cream to magically firm up loose flab, a diet pill to instantly lose pounds overnight, the latest newest fitness fad.

But the clinical experts claim they know the true secret, the very passage which is a lot less expensive, the very secret on how anyone could live a longer life.

It’s the one solution which they claim is continuously overlooked, when it comes to the latest advice that’s given from the highest of the best regarded health gurus.

The Best Indicator Of Extending Longevity

There’s been songs written about it, perhaps the most prominent being “All You Need is Love.” Yes, it’s that simple.

Research is suggesting that extending and receiving genuine love and empathy, may be the most important predictor of living a longer life.

It’s also not just the measurable strength of our relationships, conducted by our family and friends which predicts longevity.

It’s more of the attitude which we happen to engage in these relationships, which prolongs a longer richer and healthier life.

While many think all they need is just finding someone who’ll love them for better or worse, it’s found living a longer life is is more receiving and extending unconditional love towards others.

A study based on the wellness of the elderly, proved those who were actively engaged in helping others, supporting them, usually ended up living longer happier lives.

Then There Are The Takers

This however wasn’t the case for those who were always at the receiving end, of getting this support and extended care. These are those who constantly received more than they gave.

One study showed something simple as just volunteering one’s time towards a good cause, usually resulted in a longer more happier fulfilling life.

The most potent type of volunteerism was found to be the acts which were for completely selfless reasons, by just garnering satisfaction.

Once someone is sincerely wanting to help others, the benefits of longevity are soon guaranteed to follow. Another test involved the task of generating love as well as benevolence towards others.

Those who actively practised generating love and not dispensing pent up bitterness on a regular basis, have shown to reduce cellular aging.


Does Love Really Invigorate Health

So there’s no need for those expensive magical face creams, when this type of simple “empathy” meditation might do the same trick.

It’s been suggested connecting with others extends longevity by we enjoying better physical and mental health, even showing signs of speeding up recovery from illness and disease.

One way love boosts our health is by it protecting us from thoughts of negative issues, such as stress and depression, while promoting healthier positive feelings.

Those negative emotions, have all been linked to causing physical problems such as advancing cardiovascular disease.

The more social connections we have which are linked to positive emotions, will also contribute towards better health benefits such as enhanced immune function.

At the cellular level, our health along with well-being has proven to thrive a lot better when the social context is positive.

Those who may be alone, or left alone, with limited social connections or interaction will usually have higher levels of muscle inflammation.

Those living a life of compassion will usually expereince lower levels.

Becoming A Social Butterfly Not Required

There’s also no need for you to suddenly become an extrovert, broadcasting out your need for love and availability while standing on a soapbox.

Since the majority of the population considers themselves to be more subtle, our own subjective sense of connection, including love and compassion, suffices in protecting our health and our well-being.

This just by generating some type of compassion, by volunteering and serving in a way which suits your personality and time, can help you in being happier and healthier as a result.

Giving All Your Love

The latest clinical study revealed there were close to 27% percent of the elderly, who admitted they had absolutely no one who they could confide in for support.

What this revealed was one out of every four of the aging population had no one who they could turn to and call a friend, or had any close family members to support them when in need.

This lack and decline in social connectedness explains the increase in isolation, loneliness, and the alienation of those who once even led prosperous married lives with children.

For one reason or another, they were left alone to fend on their own. Studies have shown being alone is the leading reason why they’ll seek psychological counselling or face early demise.

So if you’re able, hopefully this alone should motivate you to be kinder to others, even strangers, by just extending a bit of cheer and warmth whenever you can.

It can result in a win-win situation for everyone as the benefits of giving your love, your support, and compassion to the elderly can travel a long way. As they say, karma can be a beach.

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