The Universal Laws Of Attracting More Abundance & Prosperity

Living a prosperous life, goes beyond just having enough money to live comfortably. In order to become truly prosperous, you need to alter your entire mindset from lack to abundance. You need to make a shift both physically and emotionally, to live a life on a more universal abundant plane.

It begins with doing what you love to do, to find your true calling, which automatically injects enthusiasm.

When you feel happier, what you emit are more positive vibrations, which attracts all the things you want more of, quicker and easier.

Begin spending more time, doing the things you’re attracted to, such as a favourite hobby.

There are a variety of ways, to attract more prosperity into your life. You’re as happy as you make your mind to be, and prosperity is no different.

It’s up to you, to decide how prosperous you want to become. Then the perception of what your reality is, has no other choice but to comply to your wishes.

Affirm You Have More Than Enough

The more you focus on what you lack such as no money, the more of it you’ll experience in your life.

You can easily turn this around by making affirmations, such as “I’ll always have more than enough money for everything I need.”

The stronger, the more conviction you have and genuinely believe and mean it, the more your physical surroundings will begin to shift to meet your want.

Always Take Action

Action isn’t necessary to attract abundance into your life, but it doesn’t hurt. Just don’t sit around waiting for your circumstances to change for the better. But instead, get out there and change them.

Taking small steps towards what you want, can often trigger a flood of opportunities, moving everything in a more positive direction.

At the very least, thinking positive can make you feel more in control of your circumstances.

Give Gratitude and Appreciation

Having an appreciative mindset, does is makes everything more fluid and flow forward.

Not only will you feel more abundance, your focus on the positive aspects of your life will naturally attract more things to be grateful for.

Make it a daily ritual, to appreciate all the wonderful things that happens to you, regardless of how small.

The more you do so, the more you’ll find the things you want coming your way.


Do Everything With Love

Love is the most powerful, transforming force in life. Love can heal the most painful situations, by turning lack into abundance.

Doing so inspires positive change, to both the giver and the receiver. Transcend love towards everyone and everything in your life.

Love your blessings, your friends and family, the difficult people you encounter daily, along with your illnesses and obstacles.

Once you love, you heal and transform things into genuine blessings.

Increase Your Self-Worth

Your beliefs, have everything to do with the things you experience on a daily basis. If you don’t believe you deserve abundance, you’ll just continue to push it away.

Start by improving your self-worth, by constantly affirming you deserve to be happy, healthy, and wealthy.

Once someone gives you a gift or a compliment, accept it with gratitude. The more you do so, the more you’ll open yourself up to the blessings the universe wants to send your way.

Make Room To Accept More

If every area of your life is crammed with clutter and disharmony, then there’s no room for prosperity to enter.

One of the best ways to get abundance flowing into you life, is by clearing space for it.

Get rid of all the physical and mental clutter, by releasing emotional burdens and unresolved issues.

Clear out your physical, spiritual, emotional, and financial affairs, and then watch them get transformed from stagnant to vibrant.

Changing Your Beliefs Changes Your Life

Besides having poor self-worth, what you may have are other limiting beliefs, that’s keeping you from experiencing the prosperity you deserve.

For instance, you believe you need to work hard to earn a lot of money.

Do you honestly believe those who are rich, are all rude and insensitive. Do you really think having a lot of money, would be too much of a burden.

Learn to examine and question all your beliefs about prosperity, and then change the ones that are limiting you.

This will be an ongoing process, which will eventually change your life in powerful ways.

Have An Abundance Radar

What you think of the most, expands, and prosperity is no different. So get into the habit of finding examples of abundance, wherever you go.

When you’re shopping, stop to notice the abundance that’s overflowing from the store shelves.

Realize each product on the shelf, began with a simple idea in someone’s mind, and was then created into physical form.

Take a trip to the local farmer’s market, and marvel at the abundance of produce that’s available.

Each and every one of them, began with a tiny seed planted in the ground, and was then nurtured until it grew into a luscious fruit or vegetable.

Take time each day, to appreciate and reflect on the abundance you see all around you, and then you’ll attract more prosperity into your life.

Think Positively Abundant

What having positive thoughts and emotions will automatically do, is invite more positive circumstances into your life, which includes prosperity.

Thinking negative is nothing more than a habit, of looking at the less favourable side of situations. Know every negative situation, also has a positive flip side.

Once you’re able to train your mind to look for all the blessings, while remaining open to all the possibilities, is when more abundance will flow into your life.

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