6 Brain Activities To Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is known to affect one in every 10 adults, who are 65 or older. Despite how common it is, scientists are yet to discover its true causes, once it spreads and damages the connections between the brain cells.

This leads to symptoms such as loss of memory, confusion, and difficulty recognizing objects, family and friends.

What research has discovered, is by maintaining an active brain, increases vitality, which builds up brain cell reserves and connections.

Keeping the brain active, may generate and restore new brain cells, which can lower the risk of cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s.

6. Always Be Exercising

What’s now recognized by all, is regular physical activity will reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, some claim up to 50 percent.

What’s recommended is exercising 150 minutes per week, which is approximately 20 to 30 minutes per day, which appears to be the key, for maintaining proper cognitive activity.

To gain maximum benefits, whats recommended is a combination of cardio exercises, such as swimming, playing tennis, bike riding, and moderate jogging.

Then combine these activities with strength training by using weights, isometrics, and resistance machines.

These activities not only benefits the brain, but also helps maintain the heart, while increasing muscle strength.

5. Always Be Testing Your Memory Recall

Losing memory and forgetting, is often considered one of the first signs, someone may be beginning to suffer from the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

For this reason, the best way to prevent or delay memory loss, is by regularly exercising the brain’s ability, to recall short and long term information.

What’s recommended on a daily basis is making a list, whether it’s to buy groceries, for errands, or things that needs to get done around the home.

Then later, when they need to get done, try remembering what the items were on the list.

What’s also suggested is trying to draw a memory map, once returning home from a drive, walk, or bike ride, and then recall the route in detail.

4. Play Mind Expanding Games

What playing games does is challenges memory, along with improving mental agility while providing entertainment.

Doing so is also an excellent way, of maintaining neural connections in the brain. What’s recommended are the classical board games, along with finding interesting online games you can download on your device, which looks challenging.


There are some games, that helps in strengthening your ability to improve the cognitive areas of the brain, by solving the immediate task at hand, while ignoring the things that don’t help.

There are online games, which helps you learn and remember words and facts, by using “spacial repetition,” which helps the brain retain long-term memory information.

3. Do Something You Love Such As Taking Cooking Classes

In addition to finding new ways to prepare old favourite recipes, taking a cooking class has proven to be an excellent way, of learning about other cultures.

What it also does, is introduces unfamiliar foods along with various spices, which stimulates the body’s sense of touch, smell, sight and taste, which engages various areas of the brain.

When eating something new, what’s suggested is trying to identify the various ingredients in the dish, while associating the flavor with the name of the food. This includes listing the herbs and spices, as doing so helps in memory recall, since eating is something that we all need to do on a daily basis.

2. Always Be Learning Something New

Regardless of age, lifelong learning is an essential process for wellness and better cognitive function, as what it does is engages ones attention, while involving multiple senses, while disrupting regular routine activities, which forces thinking.

According to researchers, what’s been identified are three different criteria of mental exercises which should be undertaken, this to reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer’s.

What these include is taking some type of adult education course, learning to speak a second language, or learning how to play a musical instrument, which are all identified as being excellent examples of brain-boosting activities later in life. What’s recommended is beginning at an approachable level, and then gradually increasing the challenge over time. What doing so does, is disrupts the brain’s habits and routines.

1. Constantly Be Reading, Writing, and Doing Puzzles

What routinely stimulating the brain doesn’t need, is having to constantly bombard it with complex activities. What doing just simple things and activities such as reading, writing, or doing puzzles, can do is help maintain memory, while prolonging the brains thinking process and skills.

What studies conducted in this area concluded, is that for those older adults, who constantly engages their brain in these types of activities, where they forced their brain to remain active throughout their lives, all had fewer deposits of the protein identified as beta-amyloid, which is the hallmark indicator, for those with Alzheimer’s disease.

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