The 7 Phases Of Human Soul Development In The Circle Of Life

This isn’t based on how old you are in human years, when or where you were born, or if you are the oldest sibling. It’s more about what stage your universal soul is currently at. A measurement, a final destination where we all want to reach is being an old soul, which is a level of transcendence.

This follows the same basic life stage any organism would go through during its lifespan. An organism which begins life as an infant.

What it does is progresses itself through the various stages of infancy towards adult maturity, realizing the various stages of development.

At each phase, what the soul has are identifying markers and characteristics which carries both positive and negative qualities.

The key becomes knowing the age of your own soul, based on the following traits, knowing exactly where you are in your evolution.

Phase #1 – The Infant Living As An Adult

This first phase is your initial birth, and the very first time your soul experiences the world. As children grow into adults, you remain in this state until you grow old and eventually pass, where nothing makes sense to you. You remain immature, as everything feels new, without any recollection of previous lives.

Those who find themselves at this stage of birth, have no idea who they are. They feel completely overwhelmed by life, having a low threshold for things that they don’t understand, which is everything. Every effort fails, everything they do appears to work out exactly the opposite, to how they planned it.

This infancy stage is the most difficult. This phase is a prerequisite however, to understanding the intricacies of life. It feels nothing will ever work out for you. This stage is your opportunity, to begin laying the groundwork for your next phases of life.

You grow up and spend your entire life in a childlike state. You throw temper tantrums if you don’t get what you want. You’re demanding as an adult, get hurt easily, and has low self-esteem and confidence. Adults in this phase can be arrogant, angry, and not liked that much.

Phase #2 – The Learner Stage

The learner stage, is the second phase that a soul of a person undergoes. You’re no longer new to this world, and understand yourself better. You spend this life learning things. Your entire life is spent understanding people, emotions, and things. You become an avid listener.

Most of your adult life is spent learning new things, how people think, how and why they act. These are the signs of the second phase of life. You learn about others, along with yourself, your likes and dislikes. You become quiet and timid, fearful and overwhelmed by the world.

You begin to understand who you are, what your destiny and potential is, why you act a certain way. In this state you’re a bystander, you’re not looking for success yet, as your life is spent learning, preparing yourself for the next phase.

Phase #3 – You Explore Yourself And The World

The third phase, sets you up for a life of exploration and adventure. Your soul now has an understanding of what you should expect from your life. This includes the things you want to discover, which gives you the hunger to explore them.

You find yourself attracted to a variety of new ideas, thoughts, and destinations. What you have is an insatiable thirst, to find your place in the big world out there. You know what you want, what your destiny may be, but you’re caught in perpetual limbo.

So as adults, you plan a life of wonder and wander. You wish for places to go in the world, this to feed your soul, as there’s plenty to see and do, yet there’s so little time. These are the signs of the 3rd phase of life.

Your heart and soul longs to find new experiences, this by travelling the world. What you’re utilizing are the lessons learned from your previous life, much like deju-vu. This is an exciting period for you, as adults, as there’s the constant curiosity of a child, that’s viewed it in a mature way.


Phase #4 – You Find Unconditional Love In Life

What the fourth phase brings you, is true eternal love. Your soul now knows exactly what its destiny is, what it wants, this from exploring and learning from the past. You’re now set to incorporate true raw love into your life. This in yourself and others.

True love as you’ve imagined it, will come to you in this phase of life. You know who you are, so you understanding who you can love, and will love you back unconditionally. If you fall in love with someone who’s at a different phase of their life than yours, there will be disappointment, boredom, and heartbreak.

You’ve been content with your life so far, being on your own to this point, but missing the love of someone, that true soulmate to grow you further, which has been absent. These are the signs of the fourth phase.

You now know who your ideal partner should be. This person is also at a similar intersection in their life, and has been longing to meet you. Once you meet each other, you know immediately as your eyes and souls lock. Once you find this person, they’ll come into your life and will stay awhile.

Phase #5 – You Begin To Experience Success

In the previous phases, you’ve learned about yourself and what you want in life. You have found a love, that is compatible and comfortable for you. So what you’re now gearing your life towards, is putting all of this knowledge and experience for material purposes.

You’re born into this phase, with a soul that’s prepared to achieve things. Everything that your previous lives has taught you, now falls into place. Things begin to manifest your way, exactly how you dreamed they would.

If you feel you’re knocking on the door of success, as you feel excited yet anxious, that any day now, all the recognition you deserve will come to you, you’re in the fifth phase. It’s now just a matter of time, before success enters your life.

This phase however, you remain selfish and shortsighted. For those you finds success, they hoard, and are still in the “me, myself, and I” mindset, and don’t have consideration for the need of others. So you don’t bother to spread your wealth or share, as you remain self-centred.

Phase #6 – You Want To Give Back With Complete Gratitude

The sixth phase, urges you to give back to the world, all that you’ve learned and achieved in your previous lives. It makes you want to contribute, help others who remain stuck, and then support them. You develop empathy and gratitude, as you understand their needs and hurts.

You have the need to do things for others. You find yourself going out of your way, to make sure they’re comfortable and accommodated. You’ve already accomplished much in your life, so you want to help those in need, as you’ve reached this gratitude phase of your life.

You’re born with a soul that’s ready to give, as it’s received abundance from others in the past. This life, you spend your time teaching, volunteering, entertaining, as you have a genuine feeling of true selflessness. You gain satisfaction from giving.

Phase #7 – You Begin To Transcend

The seventh and final phase, will lead you to transcend your soul beyond human consciousness. It’s a place beyond trivialities, and all the mundane issues that life offers. You look beyond everyday concerns, as you pursue things that are far greater than yourself.

If you feel a greater calling for you, and feel detached from the daily regularity of life, as what you despise is the day to day drama, the hate and the selfishness, you’ve reached the final phase of the chain.

What you feel is deep and enriched. You feel saintly, and no longer have the patience for the frugality’s of the world, as what you have is a thirst for divine knowledge, and that’s all you feel like pursuing.

You seek peace and isolation, as you would rather be alone. You’re ready for transcendence. Once you pass on from this final phase, what your soul becomes is one with the universe, wise and loved.

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