70 Motivational Tips To Improve Your Life

Don’t Miss Out On Something That Could Be Great Just Because It Could Also Be Difficult

40. Focus on Positivity and Tune Out Negativity – It’s always easier to find excuses or reasons something won’t work, but that kind of thinking never created anything great. It’s okay to acknowledge flaws, but don’t let them be your sole focus. Instead, keep a positive attitude and truly believe that you can overcome any obstacle, achieve anything you truly desire, and become the person you were meant to be.

41. Continually Challenge Yourself – When you reach plateaus, bust through them by continually challenging yourself to do more and to work harder. Don’t rest on earlier successes. Discover what you can do to take it to the next level so you can reach your ultimate objective more quickly.

42. Prepare Yourself for the Day that Lies Ahead of You – Rather than diving into the deep end, ease yourself into your day by thinking about what lies ahead, analyzing the challenges you can face, and visualizing how you can succeed. In the same way that stretching helps prevent injuries when exercising, preparing mentally for your workday can increase your productivity, prevent you from being stressed, and ultimately help you progress toward your goals.

43. Use FIDO – The US Marines have a saying that goes, “Forget It and Drive On”. When you make a mistake or encounter something negative, don’t get caught up on it or dwell on it too long. Wallowing in the past won’t help make your future better, it will only delay you and make you more negative. If mistakes were made, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start all over again.

44. Don’t Let Negative People Affect You – Not everybody is going to be as motivated as you. Every day, you will encounter people who have a negative attitude toward life. Don’t let them get to you. You may not be able to change the way they think, but you can change the way you think about them. Share your dreams and ambitions with people who will appreciate them. Don’t waste your time with those who aren’t going to support you.

45. Treat Every Day as if It’s Your First Day – Remember the enthusiasm and curiosity you brought to the first day of school or the first day of a new job? Sustain that type of interest and ambition every day and you will continually strive to succeed and impress other people. This is especially helpful when you are facing an unpleasant task. Act as if you are auditioning for your current position and you will find that you will be giving it your best effort.

46. View Mistakes as “Teaching Moments” – Everybody makes mistakes. But not everybody learns from them. When you mess up, think about what you did wrong and promise yourself you will do better next time. Set a time limit for analyzing your mistake – a few minutes or so – then move on and never dwell on it again.

47. Immune Yourself Against “Destination Disease” – Destination disease is another term for complacency. For some people, when they achieve their goal they become comfortable. This prevents them from growing and achieving more. But not you. Never be satisfied, even after you achieve your ultimate objectives. There’s always more that life offers. It’s up to you to go out and get it.

48. Be Organized In Everything You Do – Organization makes your life easier. Disorder causes distraction and delay. Why do you think the military is so compulsive about organization? Your workspace, schedule, activities and everything else in your life needs to be as organized as possible so you can stay on task without losing momentum and commitment. Clarity and orderliness lets your mind focus on more important issues because you don’t have to worry about the small stuff.

49. View Your Life as a Movie – Hollywood movies have happy endings because somebody sat down and wrote them that way. Script your own life, giving it the happy ending you want. Then stick to the script. You may have to rewrite some parts as you go along, but if you follow your life’s screenplay, you can arrive at where you want to be when the credits roll.

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