A Passive Guide To Becoming More Assertive In Life

Once you’re confronted, how confident do you feel when it comes to asserting yourself in certain situations. This includes presenting yourself accurately and effectively at the workplace, during social settings or at home. This once you need to influence your opinion or input, at critical times.

The majority of people when it comes to these types of circumstances, finds it difficult to perform under certain conditions.

Instances include giving direction or delegation to others, when assigning orders, or asking for something in their personal lives. Becoming assertive with tact, usually becomes overwhelming.

How most will come across, is they’re too annoying, overbearing, aggressive, instead of being accommodating.

To Have Tact

It’s believed you can quickly lose credibility, along with the trust you may of garnered, the instance you display signs of unjustified aggression.

To be more assertive, begin by appearing as calm, cool, and collected as possible. Be persistent while staying focused and in control.

Make sure you repeat whatever it is you want, by listing the reasons why, and then listen for feedback.

Ask them to reconsider or list the implications, of not doing whatever it is you’re requesting. Never threaten them, begin shouting or become a bully.

Make sure you stick to your guns, while outlining the consequences, and why it’s important they carry out the act.

Raise Your Expectations

Expect you’ll be heard and they’ll listen to you. You’ll then be amazed at the difference as you’re mentally prepared.

Think of yourself as a lion tamer who never shows any fear. Otherwise, they’ll sense your nervousness and attack.

Make clear concise expectations on yourself and others, while not expecting them to read what’s on your mind. Always articulate exactly what you’re expecting from them and why.

Have A Defined Physical Presence

Be aware of how you use and control your body language, as doing so can make a huge impact on how others view and treat you. It’s part of you expecting them to listen to you mentality.

Make sure you hold your head high at all times, without becoming arrogant. Be a force to be reckoned with, even without saying a word. If you appear timid, they will sniff and snuff you out immediately.

If you’re at work or in a social setting, always decide beforehand where you’re going to sit. If you’re planning the event, rearrange the room to your advantage, where you’ll stand out the best.

Make sure you find the “power” seat, whether behind a desk or when face-to-face. What doing so does, has a direct bearing on how the interaction will progress. Never give mixed messages.


Control And Project Your Voice

The tone of your voice, has a major impact on whether you’ll be heard or not. So make it a point, to take a deep breath and clear your throat, so your voice is steady and sustained.

Think about what you want to say beforehand, and in what order. Know the exact message you want to get across.

Make sure you avoid any form of shouting, whining, nagging, or finger pointing.

There’s no point in raising your voice, as all you need is to simply say what you need to, as firmly as possible, in an even keeled dominant voice.

Make sure you know how you sound first, privately. Never mumble or slur your words, as you’ll lose instant credibility.

Make sure you use the correct pronunciations you’re wanting to say, delivering the exact pitch and tone. Do so by breathing deeply, while protecting your vocal cords.

Make Sure You’re Ready

Once you’re prepared, you’ll then be able to speak with confidence and authority. So make sure you’re aware of all the potential issues that may come up.

Everything will then fall into place, because you’ve made the proper preparations on what you want to say.

Doing so becomes particularly important, if you’re planning to speak in front of a group of people.

Create Instant Rapport

During the initial introduction, it’s always important to immediately connect with the person or group you’re dealing with.

Be as open and friendly as possible, smile, inject a bit of humor while being radiant.

Think Of The “Language” You’re Going To Use

Dictating your stream of speech can be extremely powerful. You can begin with a positive statement, that sets the tone while placing everyone at ease.

The reason being, if you constantly ask others for a favor or to just complain, they’ll begin to think and believe they’re always helping you do something.

That they need to assist you or guide you somehow.

Always Show Gratitude

Once someone has done whatever it was you asked of them, it becomes extremely important to acknowledge their efforts.

By doing so, they’ll be a lot more inclined to help you out again in the future. Usually just a simple “Thank You” will suffice.

Inject A Bit Of Humor

Supply comic relief, but make sure it’s appropriate for the situation, and never direct it at your colleague or clients expense.

Make fun of yourself instead of others, as what doing so does is it relaxes everyone, while coming across as humble.

To Become Assertive

For those who feel being assertive is a difficult thing to do, usually assumes everyone else finds it an easy process.

The truth being, most will feel anxious in these types of situations.

What’s surprising, is whenever you talk to someone who comes across as extremely egotistical and loud, the reality is, they’re either insecure or nervous.

Coming across as assertive makes all the difference. All you need is a bit of focused practice.