What we’re told is to find a relationship in life, to become full-fledged adults, then marry and have kids. Hopefully, the romance leads to intimacy, then our lives become complete. But most relationships are rarely perfect, traumatic, leaving psychological scars needing emotional healing.
This is the reality of life, and not snippets from a fairy tale book which begins with “Once upon a time…”
People are hardly ever perfect, we’re often mysterious beings from a life gone wrong. We carry shady baggage, protecting ourselves from further damage.
So be careful who you fall in love with, as most are not looking for love but are looking for help.
Some you meet, can fall on the dark side of egotism, while others will border on being psychopathic.
Psychopathy you see, is a common term which has a blanket definition by the media, symptoms which are often ambiguous.
A Real Disorder
Psychopathy is a real disorder, which refers to certain functions in the brain that becomes faulty. Particularly the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the amygdala, and the anterior cingulate cortex.
These symptoms are an ingrained constellation of behaviours and irregular personality traits.
The manners of a psychopath lead towards an emotional processing disorder, which usually stems from a weak genetic foundation.
It’s thought a certain percentage of the population from both sexes, may be afflicted.
What psychopaths will do is manipulate, use others for their benefit, even if the outcome creates pain or devastation.
Attempting to return the love back to them, extending it or caring about them, usually won’t have any expression or impression on them.
Cause And Effect
A psychopath can mastermind the loss of jobs, divide a team, turn people against one other in social settings.
When it comes to intimate relationships, they’ll leave partners or family members reeling with the impact of trauma and betrayal, lasting long after they’re gone.
This condition when placed on a spectrum, there’s a distinct gradient. Some are more disordered than others, some do so subconsciously.
There are two major variants of psychopathic behaviour, primary and secondary. The core symptoms are present in both, but the underlying etiology may be different.
Degrees Of The Condition
Those who are considered primary, have symptoms most can associate with, when it comes to this disorder. They’re unemotional, lack empathy or anxiety, and are usually narcissistic.
This condition is thought to be biologically inherited, and unlikely they were mistreated during their childhood. It’s more of a personality trait.
Secondary psychopaths are more emotionally reactive as well as more tense, typically described as being anxious.
What studies show is past trauma along with environmental factors, correlate with this grade of psychopathy.
Within these variants, what’s often exhibited are dual personalities.
For instance, most on the surface may appear outgoing, exciting, charming, and loaded with confidence and charisma, at least in public.
People may feel drawn towards them, finding their magnetism and achievements admirable.
Once alone with them however, these individuals may instill fear in others, causing those close to them to avoid them, afraid of their volatile temper.
So You’re Dating A Psychopath
Other than issues such as minimal empathy, expression, manipulation, anger, and becoming antagonistic. There are other reveals which indicates you may be having a relationship with one.
At the beginning, the relationship is intimate, they’re excited and exciting, stimulated by the new romance.
They’ll mistakenly treat this state as bonding. This is the initial dopamine driven stage of a new romantic love, which can feel like addictive attraction.
Once the infatuation begins to fade however, so does their attention and interest. It’s at this point they’ll begin to display their disdain.
Capital Dysfunction
They’ll demonstrate a predictable cyclical pattern, when it comes to becoming intimate with you.
They’ll devalue, idealize, and ultimately discard your feelings and shut you out, with no concern for the pain they’re causing.
Since they’ve never felt a close connection with you in the first place, walking away causes no angst whatsoever.
Most are just relieved to move on to their next target, particularly once they leave you in a position of disadvantage.
Never Offers An Apology
Psychopaths don’t have the ability to feel sorry or guilt, due to a faulty function in their brain resulting in immoral behaviour. If they cause damage or hurt someone, they’ll rarely apologize.
If an apology appears to be offered, it’s beyond words with an element of minimizing. The feelings of guilt or remorse doesn’t exist, because that’s not within their mental capacity.
The usual contrition as a result will be absent. Their attitude typically being, “Just let it go” or “You’re being way too sensitive,” or “Stop living in the past!”
Signs Of Narcissism
Those who are primary psychopaths, it’s their nature to have an incredibly inflated ego. They don’t need or care about getting approval from others, and will do whatever they please.
Any desire they may have for control is associated with feelings of superiority, and not insecurity.
Those who are this grade of psychopathic, generally don’t have any interest in making friends.
The Psychopaths Among Us
It’s not uncommon for a psychopath to lead secret or dual lives, have disengaging thoughts, and a pattern of behaviour that’s dysfunctional.
Instances include: Internet trolling, stalking, bullying, forcing others to do things against their will.
A healthy intimate relationship is found almost impossible, with someone who constantly seeks to control, manipulate or demean.
Their lack of concern regarding their actions further exacerbates the pain.
Within relationships, psychopathic behaviour can create anxiety, distance, and a power differential.
Often, these relationships can become traumatic, as their control obstructs normal bonding for the other person.
This form of intense attachment is also usually difficult for the other partner to break off, thereby finding themselves in a dysfunctional relationship.