Why We Go Through Life Thinking We Don’t Fit In Anywhere

These daunting thoughts usually strikes us late at night, in the dark stormy recesses of our unsettled mind. These are the times you may feel perplexed, about this whole thing called life. Where do I fit in exactly at this exact moment in time and age.

We ponder this in wonderment when we’re alone, usually sipping a glass of liquid courage, for stimulation.

We dwell back at the context of everything we’ve accomplished in our life, and wonder how we’re connected to it all.

These are the common thoughts of …

Better Ways To Fit In With People In Our Social Group

The ability to stand up or stand out in a crowd, in some cases becomes important for success, when it comes to a job or making a point. Uniqueness, individuality, being your own person, becomes a quality many strive for in life. Especially to gain popularity or recognition, highlighting personification.

Then there are times when you need to conform, to fit in with everyone else, as doing so becomes beneficial to help you achieve your goals.

You may of been invited by a friend or relative to an unfamiliar family …