How To Be More Productive At Work By Becoming More Efficient

There’s always someone who appears to be efficiently productive. They appear to get a lot done, while you’re struggling with the same tasks. They juggle their life and work, study for exams, manage the household, taking bite size chunks in the pile of work that needs to be completed.

There are certain traits to this seemingly superhuman nature, where much is accomplished, where they appear to have infinite supplies of energy. When it comes to the tasks which needs to be completed, there’s a predicable and definitive pattern, where projects …

Ways To Plan The Upcoming Week For Increased Work Productivity

organizing your work weekThe beginning of the work week hits you with a dull ungrateful thud. This when your motivation is at its lowest. You want to sleep longer, as you begin to drown yourself in cups of liquid crank that is coffee. This to jump start the day, and begin a productive week.

The beginning of the work week, we feel sluggish, unmotivated, and don’t feel the least bit inclined to do any type of work. But as the week progresses, what we do is begin to generate energy and actually feel …