The Art Of Talking Coming Across As An Effective Communicator

how to communicate effectivelyThere’s always someone who enjoys the drama, they would rather stand out and be controversial to make their point, to be noticed, this to compliment their ego, or just because they need to state their rant. Regardless, they go against the grain and will speak out loud.

Although they are noticed, and they make their point effectively, what they also enjoy is the confrontation, the dramatization that they create, this even though others would rather avoid the theater. At times, conversations of this nature however, are unavoidable.

The next time …

A Case Study Of True Intent When Communicating With Others

always know what your intent isThe communication of intent among individuals, especially between partners will often get muddled, confusing and usually the real meaning can usually get lost in translation. It’s been discovered that there’s a reason for this misinterpretation of communication.

For the majority of the time, the words that we speak, what we say will have far less impact to the listener, than what the force and energy that’s placed behind the words do. So whatever it is that you say, is often not what the listener will hear and interpret.

The energy, …