Why Having A Sense Of Humour Can Make You More Popular

It’s known those who have a finely tuned sense of humour, one that’s not canned or rehearsed with the same lame jokes, is the 3rd most desirable personality trait in men. This is based on a survey of what attracts women the most to the opposite sex.

The most attractive feature was a presentable physical appearance, along with being well socialized. The 2nd trait was an established career, followed by an excellent sense of humour.

Spontaneously laughing out loud, has been proven beneficial for our state of mind and health. …

The Key To Be Liked Is Having A Sense Of Humor While Listening

laughing outloudBeing likable can be considered a key predictor when it comes to how successful your life and work will be. From getting invited to hang out with the cool kids, the hip parties, or getting that coveted job promotion. Being likable opens the door for you.

What being likable does is gravitates others towards you, an excellent way of maximizing your exposure to feel welcome, to develop an aura of attractiveness, which increases your likability quotient. What’s possible is you can make yourself more likable.

What you need is a …