10 External Forces How The Environment Can Shorten Your Life

Our body can be reactive to a lot of issues such as behaviour, temperature, gravitation, medical and scientific forces. There’s extreme cold, heat, pressure, and other forces why the body physically reacts, which can be different for people in various situations.

There are some who can handle extreme cold wintry temperatures, while others can tolerate extreme heat. Physical pain which can be fatal for some but not others.

10. G-Force Acceleration

When there’s extreme G force vertically on the human body, things can go haywire, especially if the force level …

10 Essential Survival Skills That Could Save Your Life

In this increasingly convoluted world we live in, there are now millions who claim they’re survivalists, and live “off the grid.” That they’re preparing or are sheltering themselves, in case of some type of further world catastrophe or danger.

Or imagine yourself suddenly finding yourself lost or stranded on an island, or deep in a forest somewhere, far away from civilization. You need to learn how to survive another day.

What if some form of natural disaster strikes, an “act of god,” and what you need are the core essential …