Our body can be reactive to a lot of issues such as behaviour, temperature, gravitation, medical and scientific forces. There’s extreme cold, heat, pressure, and other forces why the body physically reacts, which can be different for people in various situations.
There are some who can handle extreme cold wintry temperatures, while others can tolerate extreme heat. Physical pain which can be fatal for some but not others.
10. G-Force Acceleration
When there’s extreme G force vertically on the human body, things can go haywire, especially if the force level is around 4g to 5g.
It then becomes difficult for the body to pump blood, as blood accumulates in one place.
When there’s a negative G force, the blood flow gets clogged, and the reason pilots might end up losing their consciousness.
9. Extreme High Pressure
Once the human body feels a considerable drop in the surrounding atmosphere, what results is decompression sickness, known as “the bends.”
The blood can’t dissolve gases like nitrogen, as they remain as bubbles in the bloodstream.
After a prolonged period of time, these bubbles accumulate in the blood vessels and blocks the blood flow, which can result in dizziness or even death.
Those who commonly suffers from decompression sickness are deep sea divers, novice or experienced.
8. It’s Too Cold Outside
Once the temperature of the human body drops to 30 degrees Celsius or 86 degrees Fahrenheit, down from its average temperature of 98.6 F, chaos sets in.
The internal organs and its functions begin to slow down, such as the heart and lungs.
Fatigue increases and the renal system fails. The entire body begins to starve for oxygen, resulting in shock and heart problems.
7. If It’s Too Hot
Once the body’s temperature goes beyond 40 degrees Celsius, heatstroke can occur. Severe cases of heatstroke can lead to brain damage.
Humid weather can contribute to the heatstroke, since it decreases the body’s ability to get rid of the heat.
Once the body temperature reaches 42 degrees Celsius, the cells will begin to slowly start breaking down.
The tissues swell, the digestive lining weakens, and the circulatory and nervous systems slows down, which can cause convulsions and dizziness.
6. The Skin On Fire
What fire does is immediately burns the first layer of the skin. The average human body can burn for 7 hours, until the inner dermal skin turns to ash.
Fire begins to melt body fat, forcing it to become a wick, and the reason it can burn for hours.
The muscles dry out and starts contracting because to the heat and flames. The fire automatically burns out while just the bones remain.
5. Reasons Not To Starve
Starvation causes the stomach to physically shrink, while also shrinking the heart and the heart muscles, which drops in blood pressure.
Prolonged starvation causes anemia and menstruation issues in women.
When starving, there’s not enough sugar in the body to burn, and the fat begins to break down.
These fats releases ketone, which causes nausea and exhaustion. Bones will weakened and the brain starts to malfunction.
4. Scared Of Heights
Vertigo is the sensation of your head spinning when you’re standing at great heights, such as on the roof of a skyscraper.
The higher you are, the more things begin to sway, making it difficult to keep your balance, which interferes with your centre of gravity.
3. Avoid This Chemical
The chemical, hydrogen sulfide has a bad pungent smell, and one of the theories why dinosaurs and other prehistoric life became extinct.
All living things are capable of producing this particular chemical in smaller amounts. Hydrogen sulfide helps regulate the rate at which our internal processes function.
If given in high doses, it can slow down the body’s metabolic rate, eventually shutting down the bodily circulation and pulmonary functions.
2. Keep Away From Radiation
Radiation once it’s exposed in the open air is capable of killing the cells in the body, leading to mutation, which results in dangerous health disorders.
Enough radiation to cause harm in humans is around 10 rem. The average person is thought to be exposed to 0.3 rem on a daily basis.
High levels of radiation can lead to vomiting, bone marrow damage, reduction of blood cells, and ultimately blood clotting.
1. Don’t Be So Lonely
Everyone experiences loneliness sometime in their lives. It’s chronic loneliness for long periods of time, which can have adverse effects on the body.
Those suffering through chronic loneliness are unable to produce antiviral antibodies which invites disease.
Those who are lonely can also suffer from sleeping disorders, suffer from high blood pressure, which increases the chances of heart disease and stroke.