How To Overcome Social Anxiety In An Uptight World

Someone just looks at you wrong, different, that slightest glare, their tone of voice, the smallest gesture can set you off in a tailspin of insecurity. This can produce self-deliberating thoughts of doubt, which makes you want to curl up and fall into a turmoil.

This can be common, as even the most gregarious or professional of individuals can at times feel bouts of doubt.

Many secretly suffer from feelings of insecurity, awkwardness, and become self-conscious.

It’s severity can become phobia like, from not speaking to certain people, to avoiding …

The Chronic Discomfort Of Experiencing Social Anxiety Disorder

how to deal with social anxietyOn a continuous basis of self sabotage, John completely berates himself for his aloofness and his cowardice. This when he had been forced to go to this social event, a seemingly harmless gathering which he should have never agreed to attend. But boxed in he was, and had no other choice but to go.

Realizing that he needed to go alone, this caused a shiver of cold sweat to form, his hands became frozen stiff. Great, he would be completely overcome by fright, which just compounded his uneasiness once showing …