The Art Of Effective Negotiating To Get Whatever You Want

Most dread going head to head with someone, to exchange wits with a foe, who’s usually more experienced to negotiate what they want or think they deserve. This to either save money such as buying a new car, or when attempting to make more money, such as negotiating for a pay raise with a frugal boss.

The process for many is excruciating, as personal boundaries are often exposed or attacked, such as “you don’t deserve a raise because you’re incompetent.” You need to standup and defend for yourself, to the …

The Art Of The Negotiating Dictates You Make The First Offer

negotiating the best dealWhenever there’s any type of disagreement, it usually becomes a negotiation. A test of will to reach a middle ground, to resolve a standoff that both sides can agree upon. There are a variety of situations in life which requires this process.

The most obvious are in business situations where two parties need to come to an agreement, usually monetary terms. There are also couples who’ll negotiate over their differences. Friends and foes alike will constantly negotiate to settle a dispute.

Once you find yourself in negotiation, what most don’t …

In Winning Any Negotiation If You’re Not First You’re Last

learning how to negotiateIn most cases, the biggest roadblock when negotiating is you, and how you approach the process. That you can defeat yourself in your mind first, this before ever going face to face. What you can do is psyche yourself out, get intimidated beforehand.

More often than not, most of us are up against those who are more experienced negotiators than we are, the cards being stacked against us, this in skill, savvy, and technique. We become daunted, so what we need to do is somehow give ourselves an advantage.

It’s …