A Smarter Definition Of Sarcasm Since I’m Funnier Than You

Sarcasm is defined as a subtle joke form, the ability to indirectly insult someone without they immediately or never realizing it. In some cases, projecting sarcasm is thought to be a means of expressing passive aggression toward someone, intentionally.

It can stem because of the insecurity of oneself, feeling a need to pick on or defame others, to feel more superior.

Sarcasm is thought to act as a shield, a buffer from all the buffoons that are encountered. It’s their fault they can’t realize the truth.

What sarcasm reveals are …

10 Ways To Recognize If Someone Is Being Sarcastic

The definition of sarcasm, is when someone happens to make an observation which isn’t intended to be mistaken for the truth, in order for it to draw attention to how ridiculous it is. It can often at times be considered a rather aggressive verbal tool, although the intent can be disguised as humor.

Sarcasm is used as a method for mocking or teasing another person or thing, at times with the intended party not even realizing it.

To extract the main clue that sarcasm is being used, can be a …