A Smarter Definition Of Sarcasm Since I’m Funnier Than You

Sarcasm is defined as a subtle joke form, the ability to indirectly insult someone without they immediately or never realizing it. In some cases, projecting sarcasm is thought to be a means of expressing passive aggression toward someone, intentionally.

It can stem because of the insecurity of oneself, feeling a need to pick on or defame others, to feel more superior.

Sarcasm is thought to act as a shield, a buffer from all the buffoons that are encountered. It’s their fault they can’t realize the truth.

What sarcasm reveals are types of “true lies” which the recipient doesn’t always comprehend as a put down or insincerity.

Sarcasm is a derivative form of humour that’s well crafted and thought out, with an underlining message.

It can also be a private joke which can protect, save you from those who are annoying, or save you from aggravating situations.

This by providing a respite in the humour, even in the worst of situations.

Is Sarcasm A Nose Above

At times, those who are sarcastic are often branded as being certified smart asses, jerks, or are they just more intelligent than others emotionally, than those who don’t use sarcasm.

There are actual studies which shows how certain individuals understand sarcasm, depending on a carefully laid out, well orchestrated sequence of cognitive skills that are considered complex in nature.

This applies to the specific areas of the brain which are activated to comprehend a certain situation, and then immediately coming up with a witty response that is opposing.

A Study Of Sarcasm

There are experts who study the funny, who actually researches the art of sarcasm.

They claim sarcasm is related to our ability to understand what the immediate current mental state of a person who’s targeted is, both linguistically and cognitively.

The research revealed there are certain areas of the brain which can decipher irony and sarcasm, process language, recognize emotions, while understanding certain social cues.

This ability, to be able to instantly understand the exact state of mind of others, and their emotions, is related to the ability to understand and deliver the sarcasm precisely.

Sarcasm Taxes The Mind

What sarcasm does is it has the ability to exercise the brain, more than just sincere statements or other forms of humour, which are easier and more obvious to understand.

Experts have actually monitored the electrical activity of the brain, for those who were exposed to sarcastic remarks.


It was found the brain needs to churn harder, to understand the nature of the irony directed.

What’s found is there’s a three-pronged neural process that takes place, certain pathways in the brain which allows us to understand satire, to detect and decipher these humour insults.

To Understand Sarcasm

1.) – Initially, what the language centre of the brain’s left hemisphere does, is it interprets the exact literal meaning of the words spoken
2.) – Then the frontal lobes and the right hemisphere of the brain processes the speaker’s intention, filtering out contradictions, its literal meaning, placing them into their proper emotional and social context
3.) – Finally, the right prefrontal cortex takes charge, known as the “sarcasm meter,” which makes a judgment based on our emotional and social knowledge of the situation at hand

A Test Of Sarcasm

Another study based on the detection of sarcasm, involved college students who were forced to listen to complaints on a customer service line of a large company.

It was found the students were better able to comprehend and solve problems more creatively, when the complaints were more sarcastic in nature, rather than the plain angry complaints.

As a result, what sarcasm does is it appears to stimulate more complex thinking, while attenuating the negative effects of anger.

The Logic Of Sarcasm

The students who had the ability to recognize sarcasm, are thought to of had a better developed “theory of mind.”

This is the ability to vision beyond the actual literal meaning of the words, understanding the speaker may of been referring to something that’s entirely different.

For instance, what theory of mind does is it allows someone to realize once they hear, “nice pants,” they know the pants are hideous, knowing they meant the exact opposite.

This Is Your Brain On Sarcasm

For sarcasm to be understood, what it requires is the brain to go through a series of “mental gymnastics.”

To understand statements which are ironic, satirical, or sarcastic in nature, which forces the brain to think beyond what’s actually being said.

To go past the literal meaning of the written or spoken words, understanding it may be expressing something that’s ironically abstract.

What exposure to repeated sarcasm does, is it improves the creative problem solving process. Over time, this increase in cognitive action isn’t wasted.

Actively comprehending sarcasm is considered an excellent form of mental exercise, similar to physically training our muscles.

If you do 40 push ups a day, over time, your arms and shoulders will get toned and muscular. Since sarcasm is a form of mental gymnastics, it can only strengthen the mind.

So over time, the extra repetition of recognizing and understanding sarcasm is bound to tone up the brain.

To Be Sarcastic

Some claim sarcasm is used as a form of gently insulting someone on purpose, a way of sneaking in indirect criticism by infusing humour.

Others think the smug and mocking nature of sarcasm, can be more painful than just the regular directed verbal put down.

What it comes down to is it all depends on who you’re targeting the sarcasm towards, as there’s no other method to shield ourselves from those who are moronic.

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