Some just come across as being smug and narcissistic, but are they really any better than you, the consensus being they’re not. It’s their condescending attitude, the air of arrogance …
How To Develop A Better Attitude To Get Your Life On Track
What we all want is to live a clear clean crisp life with no regrets. A transparent slate as the decades and the memories pile up as we enter our …
4 Signs You Are About To By Dumped By Your Current Love
Country music has become an industry of songs about getting dumped, duped, heartbreak, woe is me. This usually occurs during the initial stages of the dating process, but not always. …
How Your Annoying Behaviour Pushes Those You Love Away
To be honest, we’ve all at times acted a bit toxic, damaging our persona at one time or another. We’re not alone when it comes to the occasional mood swing …
Time Is Telling You To Grow Up And Get Your Life Together
Don’t tell me what to do, it’s my life, who do you think you are lecturing me on “I should do this” or “I shouldn’t be doing that.” This the …
A Smarter Definition Of Sarcasm Since I’m Funnier Than You
Sarcasm is defined as a subtle joke form, the ability to indirectly insult someone without they immediately or never realizing it. In some cases, projecting sarcasm is thought to be …
Take The How Old Is My Biological Brain Test To Act Your Age
What’s known is the brain doesn’t need to lose nerve cells as it ages, at least not as much as once thought. It was once thought up to 1% percent …
Ways To Protect Your Finances From Any Economic Downturn
There’s always some news of doom and gloom in the economy, and for some, the current conditions will send chills down the spine of those who fail to save. The …
A Definition Of The Mystique Which Is The Human Aura
You might feel uncomfortable when in a crowded room among strangers, or you don’t instantly like a perceived villain on TV, yet a word is spoken. You suddenly feel your …
The Theory Subliminal Advertising Influences What We Buy
What can be frightening is we’re possibly being influenced to do things, which are completely beyond our control. This by subliminal advertising techniques which we can’t detect consciously. Subliminal advertising …
Connecting The Flow Of Music To Our Emotions And Movement
We all love the sound of music, and because of it’s different varieties, it depends on what type of sound we like which suits our personality or age group. As …
The Keto Diet Plan: Which Foods To Eat Which Foods To Avoid
The ketogenic diet or as some prefer to call it, the Keto diet or low carb diet is about consuming a lot of protein and fats but fewer carbs. This …