A Smarter Definition Of Sarcasm Since I’m Funnier Than You

Sarcasm is defined as a subtle joke form, the ability to indirectly insult someone without they immediately or never realizing it. In some cases, projecting sarcasm is thought to be a means of expressing passive aggression toward someone, intentionally.

It can stem because of the insecurity of oneself, feeling a need to pick on or defame others, to feel more superior.

Sarcasm is thought to act as a shield, a buffer from all the buffoons that are encountered. It’s their fault they can’t realize the truth.

What sarcasm reveals are …

Ways To Protect Your Finances From Any Economic Downturn

There’s always some news of doom and gloom in the economy, and for some, the current conditions will send chills down the spine of those who fail to save. The goal is to achieve financial freedom in life, this to protect oneself from these types of unforeseen circumstances.

No news is good news. If there’s any major news that breaks, it’s usually bad. Once you hear anything regarding the plunging economy, what you first think of is the safe welfare of you and your family.

You wonder if you have …

A Definition Of The Mystique Which Is The Human Aura

You might feel uncomfortable when in a crowded room among strangers, or you don’t instantly like a perceived villain on TV, yet a word is spoken. You suddenly feel your personal space is being violated. There are certain people whom you feel uncertain about, and you have no reason why.

These subconscious reactions are the cause and effect, which many claim is triggered by the human aura.

This is the invisible radiance which is emitted by someone, who’s intruding on your personal space.

This invisible band around another human, is …

The Theory Subliminal Advertising Influences What We Buy

What can be frightening is we’re possibly being influenced to do things, which are completely beyond our control. This by subliminal advertising techniques which we can’t detect consciously. Subliminal advertising as a result, has been a captivating study when it comes to consumer purchasing behavior.

The concept of it possibly existing has been studied for over half a century, ever since it’s been made aware to the public.

The idea of hidden messages influencing and controlling our behavior as consumers, to purchase a certain product. This could be an image …

Connecting The Flow Of Music To Our Emotions And Movement

We all love the sound of music, and because of it’s different varieties, it depends on what type of sound we like which suits our personality or age group. As a result, there’s a range of genres we can listen to and enjoy. What music does is puts joy in our hearts.

There is a variety of sounds such as: Country, Rock, Pop, Classical, Hip-Hop, which goes in concert with the different instruments which creates the sounds.

Regardless of the type of music, even without any words sang, listeners can …