A Definition Of The Mystique Which Is The Human Aura

You might feel uncomfortable when in a crowded room among strangers, or you don’t instantly like a perceived villain on TV, yet a word is spoken. You suddenly feel your personal space is being violated. There are certain people whom you feel uncertain about, and you have no reason why.

These subconscious reactions are the cause and effect, which many claim is triggered by the human aura.

This is the invisible radiance which is emitted by someone, who’s intruding on your personal space.

This invisible band around another human, is the reason why you’ll suddenly feel uneasy, uncertain, uncomfortable in the presence of them, who may be a complete stranger.

The reason why your nerves get on edge as you enter a room of people for the first time, and sense something isn’t quite right.

It’s been clinically proven the human aura does exist and we all emit one.

It’s an invisible electro-magnetic field which transmits us, much like feelers. What we do is give off electrical energy while also absorbing back magnetic ones.

Feeling The Aura

For those who are extremely sensitive, they can feel this force of energy in a room full of strangers, where various energies combine.

There are known to be positive and negative energy that’s being continuously inter charged between all lifeforms.

The aura is an extension of our human energy, which could be extremely strong and projecting, or be weak.

It’s also known it can be extremely bright and colourful, or dull and faded.

This invisible band of energy will follow us wherever we go, which can be sensed by everyone.

It’s also thought every living entity on this planet which has energy, such as trees, plants, animals, all emit an aura.

The Various Layers Of The Aura

Scientists claim there’s up to seven layers of the aura which can be seen, the first three being the most visible to sense by the human perception.

An aura can usually be seen with ones trained eyes wide open, psychically with the eyes closed, the best under a soft light.

It’s said you can see what your own aura looks like through a mirror, once standing against a light coloured background with dim lighting.


Begin by looking at and then beyond an object while not focusing directly on it.

Your aura can also be observed around the hands while stationed between the shoulders, neck or the head area.

Those who are able to see auras will mostly observe the mental as well as the planes or etheric layers. These are the visible and colourful layers they project.

Knowing The Physical Aura

What’s situated closest to the body is one’s physical aura.

What it does is it represents the body’s physical growth, strengths and weaknesses, and its physical sensations which may be pleasant or unpleasant.

This band of energy is extremely strong and more visible in athletes, or those individuals who are thought to be more in touch with themselves.

It’s visible by someone who’s radiating high energy, someone who enjoys life to its fullest.

The Emotional And Mental Aura

The energy which moves away from the body is what’s considered the secondary layer.

What this reflects is the individuals emotional moods along with their mental feelings. What someone is currently feeling about themselves at any given time.

If any blockage occurs in this area, what that does is it will slow down or disrupt the flow of this energy level.

This part of the aura is also thought to be interchangeable while fluctuating throughout the day, depending on the emotional and mental stimulation one feels.

The Spiritual Aura

This layer reflects the energy of ones spirit as well as its development.

The colour on this particular level is considered the most distant. Mental sluggishness will usually appear in this area.

Any and all negative thoughts which are accumulated over a period of time will show up as well.

It’s believed that yellow is the most predominant colour at this level.

Reading And Reacting To The Aura

To the trained or sensitive eye, these levels can be read separately as well as in conjunction with each other.

The various colours however are not physically separated by a distinct line or by a space between them.

What they’ll do is appear to change or fuse into one another. One particular colour may at times be more dominant than the others.

As one begins to develop the ability to read auras, viable information can then be detected and derived from the different levels.

Realize all living things are constantly changing, as so does its energy fields.

As we develop, as we solve our issues and problems, as we work through any inhibiting blocks, what we’re doing is balancing our energy.

Practice Makes Perfect

When attempting to read an aura, don’t stop yourself once you sense the different colours. Recognizing them is just the beginning of the process of reading auras.

Start by verbalizing what you see, as this not only defines what you see, but it also enhances the flow of your intuition while helping with an insightful reading.

You could possibly see one colour, or a combination of colours thereof. The colours may also grow brighter or stronger as the reading progresses.

What you need is to rely on your ability, to be able to interpret responsibly using a clear mind on what you see or sense.

Once individuals become comfortable with one another, what their aura then tends to do is compliment and blend with each other in an attractive manner.

Learning about auras is thought to help you to raise your own intuitive faculties.

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