The Time Value Of Money When Making Financial Decisions

Life is about making timely decisions, this when it comes to your personal life, job, or your business. What’s often ignored is the interplay that exists between these entities, and the fact a bit of interdisciplinary thinking can go a long way.

This however, may sound too obtuse to some.

When making major life decisions, the key becomes thinking a bit radically, while remaining grounded. Business is all about creating value.

Our personal lives this according to economists, is all about maximizing our utility. What utility means in this case, …

Realizing The Time Value Of Money For Structured Settlements

time value of moneyLife is all about decisions, whether they relate to your work, business or personal life. Often ignored is the interplay between all these areas, and the fact that a little interdisciplinary thinking can go a long way.

This might sound obtuse, but many important decisions can be made easier by thinking simply, and a bit differently. Before we do, a note about value and utility. Business is about creating value. Our personal lives, according to economists, is about maximizing our personal utility.

Where utility is simply a measure of the …