How Crypto Currency Featuring Bitcoin Is Transforming Finance

Every few decades or so, there’s a brand new ground breaking technology that evolves. Over a century ago, it was the automobile, and more recently the personal computer, and its evil step child the Internet. They seem to suddenly appear out of nowhere, the public remaining skeptical.

But know that the planning of any new technology isn’t suddenly new. There’s usually decades of research, that’s gone into the invention. The concept is then developed, and introduced to the public. For our generation, it’s been the personal computer, mobile technology, the …

Find Out How Blockchain Is Behind This Crypto Currency Craze

Blockchain is the core technology, that’s behind all these cryptos, such as Bitcoin. This is revolutionary, similar to how the World Wide Web decades ago, altered how we now think and live. What many associate blockchain with is just digital currency, but it goes far beyond that.

Like anything else that boldly threatens to alter the world as we know it, skepticism sets in. In the next few years, prepare to accept it or perish. The reason being, this new technology is destined to make the Internet completely accountable. So …

Understanding The Military Grade Cryptology That Is Bitcoin

Just a few decades ago, the Internet was a sketchy concept to understand, let alone use. In its infancy, a variety of hazards needed to be ironed out. As a result, no one trusted it. It was slow and susceptible to hacking, where those with deceptive intent could easily steal your personal information, which left you exposed and vulnerable.

The Internet today has graduated into a trustworthy appliance, a warm friendly face. The shroud of mystery has been lifted, as the masses now participate to make it the most dominant …

Bitcoin And Crypto Currency New Technology You Should Know

b is for bitcoinEvery couple of decades or so, a brand new ground breaking technology evolves. The automobile, electricity, and more recently the personal computer and the Internet. They seem to suddenly appear out of nowhere, the public remaining skeptical.

But know that the planning of any new technology isn’t new. There’s usually decades of research that’s gone into the concept, the planning, and the development of the technology. For our generation, it’s been the personal computer and the Internet.

They eventually become essential mainstream products that’s adopted by everyone, this once industry …

Bitcoin’s Vision To Provide A Worldwide Decentralized Internet Currency

Has the time finally arrived for this, a worldwide decentralized digital currency which eliminates the middleman, thus not having to pay any transaction fees, while it manages to keep its users completely anonymous and secure from breach.

Overview Of Bitcoin

Imagine if you walked into your local diner and ordered a sandwich and soup. You hand over a few dollar bills to pay for the meal. You are then asked by the cashier in order to complete the transaction, you’ll also need to provide your full name, your billing address, …