Gluten is a type of protein that’s found in wheat, barley, or rye. Once someone becomes gluten intolerant or sensitive towards it, what the protein causes are health related symptoms. …
what is gluten
10 Alternates To Wheat If You Have Celiac Disease
Wheat has been a core staple grain for centuries, and used in a variety of products, the most common being flour. Wheat flour is suitable for making bread and baked …

All You Need To Know About Gluten A Definition
Not too long ago, gluten was a foreign word in diet circles which most of us never heard of. But it’s been slowly introduced into the health vocabulary in countless …
Is Sensitivity To Gluten A Media Creation Or A New Disease
Anything that the general population creates a hype about, the Internet along with the media is lurking just to pick up and capitalize on the concern. Lately, the Net has …