5 Steps How Buyers Subconsciously Make A Purchasing Decision

Before you sell anything, before a buyer, consumer or client ever decides to buy anything, regardless of what the product is, there’s a natural transition. A subconscious proactive action and decision making process occurs, right before purchasing.

First, there is a relay, a switch, a mindful reaction that occurs at the precise moment, when they’re making the decision to physically agree to buy.

The buyer will go through a series of mental hurdles, until they decide to make that purchase. This is usually in a precise scientific order.

So to accelerate the selling process, it’s your duty as a marketer to push the right buttons in proper order, to activate these triggers.

Why People Buy

So what becomes helpful, is to understand what the exact thought process is, that goes through a buyers mind right before they decide to buy.

The next time you yourself is in a situation to buy something, and it comes down to a “yes” or a “no” decision, ask yourself what you go through. The adrenaline rush you feel.

This has now come down to a social science marketing experiment, based on emotions.

What’s been clinically broken down, is a systematic process any buyer with a decision to make, on the spot, goes through.

The stress points they go through, even if the purchase is for a dollar.

The 5 Steps Of The Buying Process

1.) The buyer will first ask themselves, this especially for big ticket items. “Do I really want to do business with this person?” instead of “Do I really need this item?” The buyer wonders, if they can trust the salesperson, or even like them.

2.) The buyer will then ask themself if they want to buy from this company or website. How reputable or credible are they. Did they ever buy from them before, or even hear about them in the past.

3.) How bad do they really want or need the product or service, at this point in time. Is there urgency. Does this really solve their problem or hurt. Is there some type of goal they can achieve, after they buy the product.

4.) Does the cost justify it’s value, while meeting their expectations. How soon can they expect a return on their investment if there is one. Is the price competitive, with the other similar products on the market. Is this the only solution to their problem.

5.) Is this the best possible time or place, to make this buying decision. Is there a reason to make this purchase right now. How volatile is my problem. Would the opportunity slip away if I don’t buy right now.

Should I Or Shouldn’t I?

This exact thinking process, usually plays out in almost every buying situation, especially when a salesperson is involved, and the buyer needs to make an immediate decision to take action.

This occurs, especially when it comes to a door-to-door salesman or during a cold call.


Listening To The Sales Presentation

So there you are, giving your best pitch while doing your sales presentation to a group of decision makers, who has the authority to buy.

This group, this audience, will instantaneously make a buying decision based on how you come across as a presenter. This based strictly on their first impression, and how well known your company is.

At times, that “reputation” can be removed since the group who happens to be sponsoring the event, has recommended you to personally speak to this particular group of buyers.

The sales pitch, if it’s presented well, should define their needs when solving a particular problem.

You need to explain why your “Product X” is the right solution for their needs, and the time to buy is now.

Laying Down The Process

In order to market a product as effectively as possible, you’ll need to properly focus the buyer, by leading them towards making the right decision, in the steps listed above.

If you begin by attempting to skip one of the steps, and try to force a buying decision which you should be presenting later. You may end up delaying the buying process or lose it altogether.

For instance, if you’re making a cold call, and immediately begin talking about the price before presenting your company, or explaining the benefits.

Or if the buyer hasn’t decided if they like you or not, they will invariably assume you’re attempting to “pull a fast one” on them.

Similarly, if you begin listing their problems and then immediately present the solutions, the buyer has no idea how credible you or your company are.

You’re then most likely just wasting everyone’s time, including yours.

The “decision makers” at the table will stop listening to you, and mentally block you out since they can’t decide if they can trust you or not, or if they even like you.

Make Yourself As Credible As Possible

What you need is to establish yourself as a “person” first, and then validate your company, to be as credible as possible in the eyes of your buying audience.

It’s obviously a lot easier, if your brand or reputation precedes you and your company first, then the initial barriers of “who the heck are you” are removed. You can then move directly to your sales presentation.

When making a sales call, and you’ve been referred to by someone the buyer trusts, you can also then move directly to your sales pitch, since the first two steps have already been met.

Similarly, when presenting to a group of buyers, make sure the majority of the attendees know who you are, and they have endorsed your presence, your company, and your product.

This means prior to you speaking to the group, they’re already familiar with who you are, and how credible your product or company is.

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