7 Common Everyday Foods That Can Inflame Your Joints

Inflammation is necessary when it comes to the body’s healing progression, as what it does is helps defend against foreign invaders entering the body. What it does is accelerates the healing process, once becoming sick or injured.

It’s chronic sustained inflammation that’s harmful to the body, as what it’s linked to, are a variety of health issues.

These include acne, asthma, atherosclerosis, celiac disease, periodontitis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, etc.

What it comes down to, are the everyday foods we you eat, which has the biggest effect. The key becomes knowing the foods that fights inflammation, and the ones that create it.

What Is Inflammation

Inflammation is a reaction which removes harmful stimuli, including damaged cells, pathogens, and irritants.

It can accelerate the healing of wounds, tissue damage, and infections. Once it gets out of control, is when it becomes damaging.

Inflammation is either acute or chronic. Acute inflammation starts rapidly and can last for up to a week, while chronic inflammation can last from months to years.

The most common symptoms of inflammation includes swollen joints, redness, stiffness, and loss of joint function.

Inflammation can also cause health issues such as flu like symptoms, or develop loss of energy, loss of appetite, muscle stiffness, and headaches.

Often, just a couple symptoms are present, when suffering from any type of inflammation.

Inflammation, especially for those growing older, can’t generally be avoided, so it needs to be prevented as best as possible.

To avoid or control inflammation, it becomes important for the body to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle.

It’s usually the foods which has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in preventing and combating inflammation.

7. Artificial Additives

Artificial food additives, specifically monosodium glutamate or (MSG), are pro-inflammatory agents, which triggers the inflammatory response in the body.

MSG is a taste enhancer which is commonly added to fast foods, salad dressing, soup mixes, and Asian dishes. What it does is triggers vital pathways to chronic inflammation.

Artificial sweeteners are associated with inflammation in the joints, which creates pain. What they also increase, are the risks of developing issues such as inflammatory bowel disease.


Instead of consuming artificial additives, decide to switch to anti-inflammatory herbs and spices, to enhance the flavor of food. Use natural sugar substitutes, instead of artificial sugar.

6. Alcohol Consumption

What excess alcohol consumption does, is causes a number of health issues, while affecting every major organ. How it affects the joints is by inflaming them.

The reason is because any alcoholic beverage, is a pro-inflammatory agent. What it specifically inflames is the esophagus, larynx, and the liver.

If consumption isn’t reduced for those you are chronic, it can result in tumor growth.

There are numerous studies which supports chronic alcohol abuse impairs not only liver and gut function, but also has multi-organ interaction, which leads to persistent systemic inflammation.

What this ultimately results in, is overall organ damage. What’s recommended, is keeping alcoholic beverages to a maximum of two drinks a day.

5. Red Meat And Processed Meat

Red and processed meats are also pro-inflammatory agents, so they should be avoided if wanting to reduce the risk of inflammation related diseases.

What red meat contains, is a molecule that the human body doesn’t naturally produce.

Once it’s digested, what the body naturally does is creates antibodies to fight it, which triggers a chronic inflammatory response.

What processed meat contains are advanced glycation end products, substantially more than other types of meat, and the reason why it causes inflammation.

The consumption of red meat and processed meats are associated with a higher risk of colorectal disease, where the inflammation process plays a key role.

The red meats to be avoided are beef, lamb, and pork. Processed meats to avoid includes ham, sausage, and salami.

4. Vegetable Cooking Oils

Common vegetable cooking oils are inexpensive, so they’re commonly used in households and restaurants.

What they contain are high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, while being low in omega-3 fatty acids.

A diet that has a poor omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, does is promotes inflammation, which leads to other associated inflammatory issues, including heart disease.

What the pro-inflammatory mechanisms found in the omega-6 fatty acids does, is contributes to disease progression. The recommended ratio, when when it comes to omega-6 to omega-3, is around 20 to 1.

It’s recommended you switch your cooking oil to coconut oil or extra-virgin olive oil, this to reap the benefits of omega-3.

3. Trans Fats

What trans fats specifically does, is increases the levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in the body, while lowering the good cholesterol (HDL), which causes inflammation.

The intake of trans fats leads to higher levels of inflammatory markers, including interleukin 6, tumorous necrosis factor, and C-reactive protein.

Trans fats are primarily found in deep-fried fast foods, or inexpensive commercially baked goods. What’s recommended is consuming alternative products which contains no trans fats.

Read the labels carefully, and look for alternates such as coconut or olive oil. When it comes to processed or packed foods, stay away from partially hydrogenated oil.

2. Refined Sugar

What common white table sugar does is causes inflammation, because it contains excess amounts of fructose, which the body has a bad reaction to.

It’s also linked to an increase in metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes.

What sucrose counteracts, is the anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil, which then increases the development of obesity.

What’s most damaging is the refined sugar that’s put in coffee or tea, along with sugar-sweetened beverages found in soda and fruit drinks, or store bought pastries, desserts, and candy.

The excess consumption of soda increases the risk of rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammatory disease.

1. Refined Carbohydrates

Anything that’s made from refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, bagels, breakfast cereals, white rice, bakery products, all can lead to inflammation in the body.

What refined white flour doesn’t contain, are the slow-digesting fibers and nutrients.

This means the body then digests these foods too quickly, which leads to a blood sugar spike, which causes an inflammatory response.

These are high-glycemic index carbohydrates, which increases the activation of certain inflammatory markers.

Those who consumes high amounts of high-glycemic foods, are 3 times more likely to get an inflammatory disease.

Instead of refined carbs, choose high-fiber unprocessed carbohydrates instead. The best sources include oatmeal, barley, brown rice, quinoa, and other whole grains.

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