The 1 Ingredient That Disinfects Contaminated Drinking Water

What’s known is it’s pure fresh drinking quality water, that’s one of the most precious commodities on earth. It’s estimated however that close to 20% percent of the world’s population, doesn’t have access to clean drinking water.

This is a vital concern and a serious human condition, as it’s water that’s needed on a daily basis for survival.

As a result, there are countless deaths in undeveloped countries from water related diseases. A condition that’s far more prevalent than war, famine, or natural disaster.

One of the most easiest methods of purifying water, is exposing it to direct sunlight. This process of natural disinfection however, can take up to 48 hours.

So research continues to find better more easier effective methods to disinfecting water for human consumption. What’s needed are ways which are more common, sensible, and safer.

Best Options For Pure Safe Drinking Water

Without a doubt, pure water that’s completely safe to drink is becoming an increasingly difficult product to find, this even in developed nations.

For many, this regardless of where one lives, purifying tap water has now become more of a necessity rather than an option.

What many now resort to is costly bottled water from the local supermarket, or complicated filtration systems from the plumber.

It’s also found most bottled water when tested, at times is nothing more than common tap water with minimal filtration. The reason being federal testing requirements are not that stringent.

Pure Sources Of Water

The best alternate to common tap water, which obviously isn’t available for those living in urban areas, is gravity fed natural raw spring water from the earth.

These sources need to be precisely monitored for contamination however, by the local municipalities.

Natural spring water or what’s known as “living water,” is organically pure as it’s filtered by mother earth.

It’s considered the healthiest pure water on the planet, this similar to how raw food is considered living food.

Another safe water supply source is well water, provided it’s source is at least 900 feet below the surface of the ground.

If not, it may of been contaminated somehow, as toxic substances may have been dumped into the soil for decades, which seeps in.

There are also fertilizers such as nitrogen along with other poisonous chemicals, which are dumped into the local soil on a constant basis.

Removing Toxins Out Of The Drinking Water

It’s believed filtering the water for bathing and showering, is just as important as filtering the drinking water for the kitchen tap.

The reason being, there can be bodily damage incurred in the skin and lungs just by breathing in the water fumes. This is considered worse than the damage caused by drinking the tap water.

The best solution, is to remove these harsh toxins and chemicals entirely from the water supply in the home.

This can be done by installing a whole house water filtration system. Doing so will protect your health and your appliances.

Since there’s usually just one water line connected to your home from the municipality, placing a good filtration system at the point of entry is the best solution.

This will ensure the water and air quality in the home, is as pure as possible.

A Clean Source Of Water Supply

Realize most urban drinking water sources are from a common municipal supply, which hasn’t most likely been upgraded for decades.

So what results is the rapid deterioration of indoor air quality, especially during the winter months when the windows are closed shut.

This is when chlorine and other toxins can evaporate directly into the local indoor environment. This includes toilet bowls, baths, showers, taps, the washing machine and dishwasher.

The Best Type Of Water Filtration

The most effective whole house filtration system should meet a few criteria.

A system which utilizes at least 60 pounds of filter media, along with the capability of producing at least eight or more gallons of water per minute.

For instance, if you’re running water from two bathtubs simultaneously, while the dishwasher is in use, the volume of purified water will be quickly depleted.

One filtration system is recommended for a house up to 3200 square feet, which has approximately two and a half bathrooms.

If the living space is larger, then a minimum of two water filtration systems may be needed.

Emergency Solution To Disinfect Water

There is a method of purifying your drinking water immediately in times of emergency. This is an effective simple solution using an everyday common ingredient.

What researchers have discovered, is it can be as simple as using purely squeezed lime juice.

Begin by directly adding fresh lime juice into the contaminated water, then expose the lime infused water to direct sunlight.

Clinical Testing Results

Once this simple lime juice process was clinically tested, what resulted was the levels of both E. coli and MS2 bacteriophage viruses previously found in the water, were significantly reduced.

Lime juice is found more effective, when compared to other standard methods such as sun or solr disinfection.

The preliminary results showed that solar disinfection combined with lime citrus, can potentially reduce toxin levels in the water in as short as 30 minutes.

This treatment is found similar to boiling water, along with other proven water treatment solutions.

Lime Juice Solution
What’s required is using 30 milliliters (1 fluid ounce) of lime juice, for every 2 liters of water needed for disinfection.

This quantity of lime juice to water, will not produce any unpleasant or produce a distinct taste.

Since limes are now readily available almost everywhere, this provides a simple inexpensive solution, for countries which may not have access to clean drinking water.

The Need For Clean Water

Closer to home, it’s no surprise drinking water straight from the tap may show traces of contamination, this regardless of which purification methods are used.

Every modern filtration process currently available, all creates their own set of issues, such as high cost or maintenance.

So when in an emergency, try the simple solution of adding lime juice to your drinking water, then expose it to sunlight.

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