Best Natural Ways Of Delaying The Onset Of Alzheimer’s Disease

meditation to reduce Alzheimer’s Disease.jpegAlzheimer’s disease can hit your life when you least expect it, it’s a devastating illness which affects millions of people worldwide. It’s a form of dementia yet more prevalent, losing one’s cognitive function and ability.

The symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s include drastic mood swings, loss of short term memory, confusion, and difficulty using language. It’s thought that the brain eventually becomes damaged to the point that all bodily functions will eventually become impaired.

Alzheimer’s usually becomes most prevalent for individuals who are 65 and older. Early-onset Alzheimer’s can however affect those much younger, and at times in rare cases during one’s youth.

There’s no known cure for Alzheimer’s, so the key is early detection and diagnosis to at the very least extend the life of the affected. There are a number of different medications available, which are mainly to slow its progression.

The Best Natural Ways Of Delaying Alzheimer’s

Freshly Squeezed Juices
A study found that drinking freshly squeezed juice may have the ability to slow Alzheimer’s. It was found that those who drank at least three servings of pure natural fruit and vegetable juices showed a decrease or delay.

Experts theorize that this is because of the natural vitamins in the juicing, along with polyphenol antioxidants, which are also found in tea and wine.

Enjoying A Cup Of Coffee
Enjoying your morning brew is thought to help in preventing Alzheimer’s. Coffee is loaded with antioxidants that’s shown to fight off it’s onset and progression. One study found that it could be possible to reduce the risk by 30% percent or more, up to 4 years, this by drinking 2 cups a day with minimum cream and sugar.

Reducing Your Intake Of Sugar
Some refer to Alzheimer’s as Type 3 Diabetes. It’s known that insulin is directly linked to the function of the brain, and a diet that’s high in “empty” sugar creates insulin resistance. Once the brain cells become resistant to insulin, amyloid plaques can form which creates the onset of Alzheimer’s.

Eating poorly processed foods can also have bad consequences beyond diabetes and obesity, as it’s known to contribute towards Alzheimer’s as well. So a diet with foods low on the glycemic index are recommended to prevent this.

Eating More Fish
Eating plenty of fresh fish is know to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. It’s the Omega-3 fatty acids which has consistently proven to slow its progression.

Docosahexaenoic acid, DHAm, is one of the 3 main forms of Omega-3 fatty acid which has shown to be particularly effective. So it’s recommended you consume particularly fresh sardines, trout, or salmon, which has the highest content. You can also find Omega-3 in eggs, walnuts, flax seeds, and supplements.

Keeping The Brain Activate
By playing video and board games, or puzzles such as crosswords or Sudoku, which all offer more than being just fun activities, as they keep your brain sharp. What these thinking games do is they provide more mental stimulation than just watching TV or reading a book.

Try finding games which activates a variety of mental processes such as strategy, or role playing. What videos games in particular do is they teach your brain to react faster.

A Healthy Body Weight
Maintaining your ideal healthy body weight throughout your life is known to prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s. One study showed an increased of Alzheimer’s correlated with higher body weight. This report focused on individuals who were 40 years of age and older who kept up an active fit lifestyle.

Getting Some Sun
A study found that getting increased levels of vitamin D3 while consuming Omega-3 fatty acids helps in the prevention of Alzheimer’s. The research found that those who had higher levels of both of these nutrients cleared their brains of amyloid plaques.

This particular plaque is linked to the onset of Alzheimer’s. The quickest way of injecting more vitamin D3 is natural sun, while taking supplements is also advised.

Becoming More Social
It’s recommended to become more socially active especially during our midlife years. A recent study found a direct link between social activities delayed its onset.


As we begin to age, most will become more reclusive and isolated, especially once one realizes they’re having memory issues. It’s found that socialization is the key which reduces the risk of dementia.

So get more active by attending family and work related events, enjoy the company of friends by attending social functions and activities such as card games, walks, coffee, which are all excellent ways of preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

Getting A Proper Nights Sleep
It’s known that there’s a relationship between amyloid plaque buildup, Alzheimer’s, and the lack of sleep. So getting the proper amount of sleep on a nightly basis becomes important for a healthy brain.

What’s found is that having the proper levels of melatonin can help in preventing this plaque from forming. Since melatonin itself can’t clear the plaque out, regulating it by getting proper sleep is required.

Begin by trying to get to sleep at the same time every night, remove all of the distractions such as light sources from your room while sleeping. It’s recommended that most will need at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

Meditation And Exercise
Routine exercise or regular meditation is known to help in keeping Alzheimer’s away. It’s found that meditating for just 15 minutes a day can improve the vascular circulation in seniors.

Moderate exercising and mediation helps in improving blood flow to the brain. One study found that just after a few months of regular meditation, those with Alzheimer’s showed better results when it came to cognitive testing.

Meditation and exercise offers excellent benefits such as lowering stress levels, while balancing moods and emotions, which allows one to get in touch with their mental and physical being.

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