Everyday Foods Which Can Affect Healthy Thyroid Functioning

foods and the thyroidWhat most know about the thyroid is that they have one, somewhere in the throat area. Beyond that, most aren’t aware that the thyroid is a vitally important gland for the proper orchestration of the body. It also plays a crucial role in metabolism.

What most also aren’t aware of are the issues that’s associated with the functioning of the thyroid. The majority are minor, but complications can become life threatening if tempted. The thyroid gland appears like a tiny butterfly shape which is located in the neck area.

Most will suffer from one of two types of thyroid complications. The first being low levels of hormones being produced, known as hypothyroidism, and too many hormones being produced, known is hyperthyroidism.

The thyroid is responsible for conducting several essential bodily functions, including regulating energy, mood, blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature.

Once the thyroid becomes under active, producing not enough hormones, regular bodily functions can begin to suffer, such as fatigue, weight fluctuation, and mood swings. There are certain everyday foods which are known to impact those suffering from hypothyroidism, this when compared to one that’s functioning normally.

Hypothyroid Symptoms And Iodine
If you happen to have any symptoms of hypothyroidism, one of the first things that you need to check is your iodine level, and find out if you’re deficient. The proper levels are considered extremely important as the thyroid has cells in the body which absorbs the iodine once it needs it.

This is the mineral that your thyroid needs and uses when it produces the T3 and T4 hormones. What deficient iodine levels does is it slows down the thyroid and becomes under active, forcing the various hypothyroid complications.

Various Foods Which Can Affect The Thyroid

Worth Your Salt
The most well known source of iodine is salt. For many in North America, it’s thought that most get too much salt in their daily diets from iodized table salt. So if you like many, cut salt out from your diet for health purposes, realize that you may be suffering from low iodine levels, affecting the proper functioning of the thyroid.

So thinking to be healthier and switching to sea salt may not be the solution. The reason being that sea salt along with salts which are used in processed snack foods, won’t usually contain enough of the iodine mineral.

Dark Leafy Greens
What most dark leafy green vegetables contain is magnesium. What magnesium does is it impacts several body processes, particularly the production of the thyroid hormone.

If you don’t get enough magnesium, then you can potentially suffer from an irregular heartbeat, low energy, muscle spasms and cramping.

Dark leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, and Swiss Chard contains high natural sources of magnessium. Once ingested as part of your diet, doing so helps in ensuring a well functioning thyroid gland.

Hail To The Kale?
Most would consider kale to be a dark leafy green, but it deserves it’s own category. Kale has become prominent recently as a green “superfood,” which is a particularly high source of goitrogen.

But what goitrogen can do is interfere with your iodine uptake, which suppresses proper thyroid functioning, while also hindering the thyroid’s ability to produce hormones which are necessary for regulating metabolism.

So when it comes to the thyroid, what this means is that foods which are rich in goitrogen, such as kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, are good for you provided you have adequate levels of iodine in your diet.

If you happen to be iodine deficient, these seemingly health foods can potentially cause metabolism issues.

Your Thyroid And Gluten
It appears that gluten has become an enemy of the modern day body. What’s now prominent are “gluten free” diets because of intolerance issues, so most now avoid barley, wheat, or rye.


But unless you suffer from Celiac disease, which is an allergy, your thyroid in particular won’t suffer any ill effects. For those who have Celiac disease, consuming just small amounts of gluten can damage your small intestines, increasing the risk of Hashimoto’s disease (under active) or Graves’ disease (overactive) thyroid.

Consumption Of Soy
There has been recent controversy regarding soy and how it affects the thyroid. According to research, soy and its related products, such as soy milk or tofu, are believed that they can interfere.

They disturb the ability for the body to be able to utilize synthetic thyroid hormones, along with potentially halting its production. The results aren’t conclusive however, and studies are ongoing.

So if you don’t suffer from an iodine deficiency, then soy should be safe for consumption, and won’t interfere with it’s ability to produce the hormones.

For The Love Of Seafood
Most enjoy consuming seafood delicacies such as fish or shrimp, etc. What most don’t realize is that most seafood is high in iodine, the mineral that’s needed for a properly functioning thyroid.

Symptoms if you’re deficient in iodine, the thyroid may begin to swell, while also experiencing feelings of lethargy, fatigue, or depression, along with a lack of energy.

If you suffer from hyperthyroidism, which is an overactive thyroid gland, a diet that’s high in iodine can potentially exacerbate bodily symptoms, such as an accelerated heart rate, heart palpitations, or increased anxiety leading to mood swings.

Yes Go Nuts
What we know is that magnesium is important for healthy thyroid functioning. So what this means is that if you enjoy consuming nuts, such as almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, or pumpkin seeds, your thyroid will bless you for it.

It’s known that Brazil nuts in particular are a rich source of magnesium and selenium, which gives you a double dosage when it comes to better thyroid functioning. Both are minerals which are also known to boost the immune system as well.

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