How To Alleviate A Chronic Aching Back When Growing Older

what to do about back painGrowing older, that middle age thing, is when most will begin to experience back pain, at times becoming chronic, which means visits to the physiotherapist, chiropractor, or doing constant stretching exercises to hopefully alleviate the lingering pain.

Know that these are just treatments to reduce the pain and won’t usually cure it. This type of pain can become long term, and one can become humbled by it. The once free flowing mobility may no longer be available, which restricts, limits, or alters routine activities.

What this constantly gnawing pain can restrict you from is tending the garden, practicing yoga, doing routine exercise, or sitting for long periods of time because of the discomfort.

What most don’t realize is how restrictive in movement one can become, as what’s not understood is how many natural activities one takes for granted, as almost all will use the services of the back. Once it becomes impaired, it can feel disabling.

The Cause Of Back Pain
The causes are numerous. Some are self-inflicted such as a lifetime of bad habits. Other reasons can include constant job related muscle strain, obesity, athletic injuries, or accidents.

Although the causes vary, the symptoms which are shared are similar, such as stiffness, pinching, and persistent pain, which can radiate from the base of the neck, the spine, right down to the hips.

There can be sharp stinging sensations that’s localized in the lower back, this especially after lifting heavy objects, twisting abnormally, or engaging in other types of strenuous activity.

The pervasive nature of this back pain can be distressing. It can lead to the inability to stand up straight, this without feeling muscle spasms in the lower core of the back, which needs constant attention.

As We Grow Older
The possibility of back pain worsens, increases with age. It’s believed that 80% percent of seniors will have some type of lower back pain, at times becoming permanent.

For those afflicted and are 65 years or older, the reason for this back pain is usually because of inactivity, excessive weight, or strain and stress.

Unfortunately, the long-term treatment options at this stage become limited. The treatments are also more to relieve the symptoms of pain, this rather than eliminating it.

It would appear that the easy solution is doctor prescribed medication or herbal supplements. If it’s not attended properly, this pain can lead to anxiety and depression.

Physical Activity Is The Key
The best cure for any chronic back pain at any age is staying active, this by exercising to maintain weight. But unfortunately, as one grows older, most remain as sedentary as possible.

The majority of seniors don’t engage in any type of physical activity whatsoever, as just 18% percent will do some type of routine voluntary exercise daily.

Physical activity not only increases personal health, but also advances happiness while healing the body. Doing so reduces daily stress, making one feel more satisfied with their lives.

A lack of activity results in weight gain, so it’s not surprising that 60% percent of those who are overweight or obese, suffer from back pain. All factors which decreases life expectancy.

Doing Functional Fitness
One excellent way of staying fit, regulating weight, while maintaining mindfulness is by performing “functional” fitness activities. Although a chronically sore back can make any activity challenging, it still remains possible.


These functional fitness activities refers to the everyday activities which provides for a cleaner house, for instance, or manicured gardens, or an organized garage. These activities can be done slowly and deliberately, and at any time.

Becoming active can only help the elderly, if not improve such chronic conditions like back pain, while improving overall body function. Engaging in functional fitness also helps in remaining socially integrated.

So what ultimately results by doing these activities is it increases one’s sense of competence, along with having more control over one’s life.

Chronic Pain Can Deliberate
When it comes to any type of chronic pain, it’s found that inactivity is what leads to a decline in ones functional abilities. What all this results in is an increase in angst, with an upsurge of uncertainty which can lead to moodiness, which elevates other forms of illnesses.

What having chronic back pain forces one to realize, this regardless of the actions they take, is that sooner or later, there will be some type of decline physically.

The best cure it’s found is simple, staying active and alert, this by doing some form of functional activity or exercise. What doing so can postpone this decline, which helps one lead more fulfilling lives.

Regardless of the circumstances that one is faced with daily, doing something physical always tends to be better than remaining stagnant and doing nothing.

The Theory Of Aging And Activity
This theory proposes that any type of decline, this because of the aging process can become delayed once one practices being more physical, social, and mentally productive as possible.

So the more that you keep yourself busy, the more active you are, the better off you will be. Also, the more useful or meaningful that these activities are, the better.

Our self-image along with our identity are tied to our pursuits and roles at any age. It also becomes detrimental to our health once we disengage from these activities.

If we’re no longer able to do the things we once enjoyed, or they’re no longer enjoyable or meaningful, it then becomes important to substitute or modify other activities, which are meaningful as alternates.

Living a life that’s fulfilling and active isn’t easy at any age, it’s hard work, and becomes a lot more challenging as age catches up. But the benefits of doing so far exceeds the effort.

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