How To Write Traffic Grabbing Press Releases And Raise SEO

how to write an effective press releaseWriting and submitting press releases remains an effective method which can propel your site to the top of the search engine results.

Doing so will bring exposure to your company, or brand, provided that you follow a few defined steps which are proven to work.

The optimization of publishing an online press releases for mass consumption if executed properly, has the ability to increase targeted referral traffic, raise brand awareness and recognition, and provide invaluable search engine optimization. There are several guidelines, however, that you should be following to gain maximum exposure, and if implemented properly, your press release will have significant SEO value, which converts readers into potential leads or profit.

Links Back To Your Site
To begin, it’s not recommended that you use a too many links on your submitted copy. You should use the following guidelines which has proven to be effective when it comes to your press release.

If your Press Release is:
• 275 words or less, use one link
• Use 2 links if it’s 450 words or less
• 3 links for up to 800 words, and
• A maximum of 5 links for 1,000 words

It’s also recommended that you keep your online press releases under 1000 words if possible. If you happen to include too many links in the body of the article, it makes the press release appear like spam.

Proper Structure Of Your Press Release
Page Title – When writing the title of your press release, make sure that you use no more than 60 characters. This because the majority of publishers will use the headline as the page title.

The same page title will also be used by the search engines when they index the press release webpage. What the search engines will do is just omit any text which is beyond the 60 characters.

They as a result will cut off any critical information which may of appeared in the extended title which would of potentially motivated the reader to “click” on the link. So make sure that you write your title as concise as possible.

Opening Introduction – The first paragraph will usually make or break your article release. So make sure that you’re direct and to the point by making it as compelling as possible. The first paragraph is also where you should be placing your first link.

This way, that link will be guaranteed to appear since the majority of publishers will usually use abbreviated versions of your release, such as in their category pages, or breaking news excerpts.

The Body – It’s not recommended that you stuff keywords in the body of your press release. What you may want to do is enter your target keyword into a Google search and then look at the results of the “related searches,” which are near the bottom of the webpage.

These are known as co-occurrence keywords, and using these exact phrases, or their derivatives, will increase the strength of your context around your main keyword without the need to continuously use it over and over.

Boilerplate – The boilerplate is the last 2 to 4 sentences which appears at the bottom of all press releases. Always highlight your brand or company in this area, which includes the facts of your business, or a sentence which highlights a link back to your website, which includes an address or phone number.

The Use Of Natural Anchor Text And Direct Links
Make sure that the online wire service for your press release doesn’t redirect your links to another server, before it sends the reader to your website.

Some of the PR wire services will do this for their own internal tracking and benefit, which tracks the visitor through a cookie during the redirect. This is advantageous for the wire service, but not that great for you.

So just hover your mouse over the link that’s on your press release and make sure that it points directly back to the designated page of your site, which confirms that it’s a direct link.


Also, when it comes to anchor text, it’s bad form to force keywords where they may appear unnatural to the content or the message of your article. Use phrases and keywords which are completely relevant to the article theme.

Using Multimedia Attachments
Press releases which accepts multimedia will generally have higher click-through rates. So if the online wire service allows you to use multimedia attachments, such as a PDF file or a video, then make sure that you take advantage of this.

Also, don’t forget to optimize all of the titles and file names of your multimedia attachments, as doing so will boost SEO. Make sure that you use phrases and keywords which are completely relevant to the press release.

Using Proper Press Release Guidelines
When writing your press release, inform the reader of something that’s completely new or newsworthy. Make it interesting as well as entertaining and relevant.

Always use good basic grammar while avoiding the use of uppercase or bold text. Make sure that you include a “call-to-action” in the press release, which guides the readers back to your site if they need more information.

It’s not recommended that you write a press release solely to sell something to the reader. Keep in mind that the intent of a press release is you wanting to share “news” to the press and the public.

There are a variety of online press release outlets which are either free services, or paid services. Some of the more costlier but effective paid solutions include:,,,, and The top free press release services include:,, and

If at all possible and within your budget, it’s recommended that you use a Press Release service which is a paid solution since they have better relationships with the best and biggest publishers on the Web.

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