Know The Mental Mind Traps Which Are Slowing Down Your Life

overcoming mental mindtrapsWhat most will repeat to themselves is self deprecating language which self destructs. Mental mind messages which encourages the emotional cycles of hopelessness, pain, and despair. These become so deeply habitual that most are oblivious of them.

It begins with realizing they exist and that you’re feeding your mind these poisons of cognitive errors when dealing with yourself, the world and others around you. Living in mental mind traps is living in deception. Perception becomes distorted by constant negative thoughts.

So the key becomes to mindfully overcome these by alerting yourself once the mind activates into these thoughts, as insightful introspection needs to be applied. To proceed, one needs to know what these mind traps are.

Constantly Assuming
What assuming involves is firmly believing that something is true, this based on what you think is true, this without external proof. We constantly make these assumptions regarding ourselves and others.

Doing so poses hazards on your life, as what doing so creates are a host of emotional duress and mental pain which fills your mind. Most will just tend to assume the worst.

Assumptions lead to making false judgement’s regarding others, which has the volatility to destroy relationships with those you care about.

Poor Beliefs
This is a belief with pure conviction that something’s true, even if it’s not. Mental beliefs are mind fables which can be extremist in nature. The mental terminology that the mind uses are just as convincingly strong as the beliefs are.

Like any other mental mind trap, these beliefs are held strictly subconsciously. They can be buried so deep that what they do is evade the conscious mind to the point of paranoia, such as “everyone is out to get me.”

It can do everlasting damage on your life because beliefs are extremely blinding and deceptive in nature. If they happen to be false, they can affect your life profoundly, as they’re deeply instilled.

What beliefs have is a violent way of holding you hostage by crippling you with fear, this if you have the strong conviction that it’s true. As a result, your life becomes handcuffed in limitations, living a restricted sad existence.

Constantly Comparing
What you constantly do is compare yourself with others, siblings, associates, and especially strangers who you want to be. “She’s so much smarter than I am.”

Comparisons can also mentally exist between yourself and your ideals, of what or who you thing you should be. Dissatisfaction in ourselves is what drives this constant comparison.

We strive to be better which is admirable, to be more perfect, wanting to excel beyond others. What comparison does is drives unneeded competition. We use the success of others and our ideals as yardsticks.

Doing so plays havoc on our lives because what making comparisons does is breeds envy and jealousy. What it also festers is pain, anger, and frustration, placing a strain on relationships, frequently destroying them.

Damning Desires
What the persist mindset of desire does is hungers you to want something that you don’t have, and most likely could never get. We do this whenever we feel discontent, once we feel that we’re lacking.

That we don’t or never have enough. That we’re not good enough, such as “I want to be this way ____ but can’t.” Having these desires are similarly linked to comparisons.

What we do is constantly compare ourselves to others, resulting in a desire for something that’s better brighter or bigger.


What the end result of desire often results in is lust, and what lust snowballs into is obsession, which leads to pain.

All of the major crimes of society such as murder, theft, adultery, is the motivation of desire. Once we desire something that we can’t get, is when we commit.

Exceeding Expectations
Expecting something, is having the preconceived notion that something will or should happen. Expectations are constantly created by rigid minds, when the already mental structures which are in place are challenged, propelling self created turmoil.

If it doesn’t happen, then you’re instantly let down by what your expectations were. Where expectations stems from is misguided uncertainty, which are symptoms of security seeking behavior.

What we also do is place expectations on ourselves, which are unreasonable but true, such as subconsciously thinking “I’ll most likely stutter and sweat profusely,” and then guess what, you do.

It can disrupt your life because expecting certain behaviors from others which are too high, usually results in disappointment, frustration, or anger, which causes a strain on relationships.

What expecting things from yourself creates, whether they happen to be too high or too low, either way, does is becomes self-fulfilling prophecies.

What they’ll do is manipulate the outcome of a situation, this by predetermining whether it’s good or bad, such as if you’re expecting to be tired, then you will be. This will have a negative impact on your life, especially when your mind was previously biased against it.

Idiotic Idealists
This is expecting the perfect situation, outcome, object, or person that’s generated by the mind. Where this ideal stems from is perfectionism.

These are usually also extreme polar unrealistic goals which are set, which are usually impossible to achieve or live up to.

Setting unrealistic ideals is a mental mind trap because the nature of most ideals are extremely difficult to achieve, then mental along with emotional frustrations set in.

What ideals does is causes you to live life under pressure, creating unneeded stress and anxiety. Once there’s disparity between the unrealistic ideal and reality, what results is dissatisfaction and pain.

The idealist is a perfectionist who’s extremely hard to please, a difficult person to deal or live with. What these idealists as a result does is negatively impacts relationships.

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