Taking Mindful Steps To Be More Aware Of Your Mental Health

Mental health is usually just a broad generalization, yet there’s a reason why it touches the entire scope of our well being and livelihood. Experts in this area consider this more important than physical health, since anything physical usually has visible signs or damage.

Most are now aware we need to maintain a proper diet and exercise regularly, to reach peak maximum liveliness.

As a result, there’s solid verifiable proof over the past few decades, segments of the population has become visibly healthier by eating better and working out more often.

As a result people have been living longer, especially those who adhere to these guidelines.

The bigger issue however, is the majority of people don’t optimize their mental wellness, which is just as if not more important.

The routine for the average majority of individuals today, is around 2 to 6 hours of exercise per week, and a conscious effort of choosing to eat healthier foods.

What this results in is less consumption of empty sugars, preservatives, and “bad” fat laden junk foods.

But what continues, is less emphasis placed towards how fit our mental health is, which is the third part of the equation.

The Lack Of Care For Our Mental Health

There are instances of abuse, when it comes to our state of mental health. That we’re pushing our brains too hard, not relaxing enough, not taking that well deserved vacation or long weekend.

What we continue is to work those 60 hour weeks, taking work home with us, and working through the weekend.

All this in the hopes of banking an easier life when we’re older and retired.

But what good is taxing our brains so hard, what good will pushing yourself in overdrive do.

What’s the point of continuing to overload the mind, and eventually having some type of a breakdown or long term illness.

Mental Health Contributes To Poor Physical Health

Overworking has an absolute chain reaction, as our physical health begins to suffer the consequences regardless of how well we eat, or how much we exercise.

It begins to take its toll. Much like a car overheating, we end up getting high blood pressure, experience headaches from stress and anxiety, suffer from depression.

These are all “red flag” indicators which escalates the chances of developing heart disease such as stroke.


To avoid this, it’s recommended you keep a well tuned mindful balance in your life, and avoid tipping the scales.

The reason is to to keep your mental health in as tip-top condition as possible.

Ways To Balance Mental And Physical Health

Find and develop hobbies which gets you into the flow. Activities where you lose your sense of self and time, and allows you to completely forget about your troubles, even for a few hours.

Get into your car, roll down the windows or top, and refocus yourself with a weekend drive up the coast.

Do things that brings the world and your priorities back into focus. There’s no better therapy, so never feel guilty about it.

Another proven stress reliever, is that night out on the town. Just let go, let loose and dance the night away with close friends.

Just allow your spirit to soar, and make sure you have a great time.

Find Ways To Relax

Try reserving a night every week to watch movies, or binge watch all your favourite TV shows for a few hours. Choosing light funny sitcoms, is an excellent way of lifting your mood.

Make sure you laugh out loud, as doing so is one of the best ways to release stress and tension.

Playing video or card games for some, are great ways to feel better. So if you’re upset at your boss or co-workers, or your spouse, find ways to release frustration.

Balance Your Life By Improving Your Personal Life

Life is difficult, so make sure you find different ways of improving yourself, by asking, “What do I need to improve upon.”

Write down a list of things you don’t like about yourself and be honest about it, it’s your life.

Then prioritize that list, making the most important issues you need to work on, first.

Whenever you have time, begin working on them, checking off each item once they’re resolved.

Taking A “Time Out” For Yourself

Make sure you take some time out for yourself on a daily basis. There’s no way you can fulfill your “want” to help others, if you don’t take care of your needs first.

Draw a hot bubbly bath, soak and just relax, allowing the stress to just fade away. Go for a walk, bike or a jog alone. Go to the library and just read.

Do something special for yourself every day. Make sure you find and get lost in your thoughts during this time.

Then it’s guaranteed, you’ll feel a lot better while sharpening your outlook.

Give More Than You Take. Become A Friend

Go out and visit someone, or smile at a complete stranger. Get out of the house, stop the nasty habit of meddling in other lives, but instead start developing new hobbies for yourself.

If you don’t have many friends at the moment, then go make some new ones. Meeting new people is something you can do immediately, once you offer your time to a cause you believe in.

Making new friends can be a godsend, and they can be found anywhere where your interests lie. So make it a priority to meet new people.

Just be yourself, be interesting and learn to have more fun. Know life is short and you need to improve your current state.

Even just a small improvement to better yourself today, here and there, is all you need to do.

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