The Will To Succeed By Dealing With Sudden Life Changes

know who you areWhat we’re living in is a radically different reality right now than just a few years ago, even last month. The life that we projected with all its hopes, the dreams and the relationships we had are now filed away in the archives of what happened, or could of been.

What preserving them does is it deters our progress going forward. We quickly shift into a completely different station of life, mulling over the “what could of been,” with endless analysis, mourning and regretting, which brings little comfort or solution …

Avoid The Poor Attitude Choices Which Will Set Your Life Back

it is your life so just liveWhat we all want is to live a clear clean crisp life with no regrets. A transparent slate as the decades and the memories pile up as we enter our twilight. What we also don’t want is endlessly waiting until tomorrow, hoping that’s the day things will get better.

The problem is we think that there’s more time than there actually is. Then one day, we’ll wake up realizing we no longer can’t do the things that we’ve wanted to do. We’ll then begin listing the goals that we’ve achieved, …