The Need To Live Your Life With Gratitude And Compassion

It’s all about gaining the perspective of practising gratitude, which is a proven pathway to inner peace. What this conforms to is the Universal Law of Increase, which means whatever you decide to focus your energy on, has no other choice than to add increase in your life, all which begins with gratitude.

Like most, you’re someone who gets up in the morning, determined and ready to have a great day.

Then before you know it, without any reason at all, you find yourself becoming overwhelmed and stressed out. You …

Make Your Dreams Come True Using Visualization And Gratitude

What’s known is you develop your own character. You are the sole director and responsible for how you come across, who you become. It’s up to you to develop your personality, by what you do and how you act. It all begins, when you’re alone and there’s no one watching.

It’s been said we have three faces when it comes to who we are:

• The first being our public everyday hopefully (smiling) face, the one we show the public
• Then there’s our friendly kind face we show to …

Why Always Showing Your Gratitude May Not Be A Good Thing

showing too much gratitudeSome will display their gratitude just to feed their ego, for their own self interests. They’ll go out of their way, only when they know that others are watching, extending their goodwill or compassion out to them, to those who may be weaker or less fortunate.

They’ll display their empathetic side proving that they really do care. But when one displays genuine gratitude, what they’re doing is enhancing their own well-being, becoming healthier mentally, while elevating their relationships and status.

When genuine gratitude is displayed, what’s offered is their hand …