The Power Of Endearment Once You Choose A Positive Attitude

having a good attitudeIf you slow down to a near stop and listen, listen carefully and concisely, what do you hear, this when you listen to your thoughts, what are you thinking of right now, at this very moment. Do tell, reveal what thoughts that fills your head. Are they negative or positive ones.

Say that you’re sitting at your desk at work, walking down the street, or you’re at a social gathering with these same thoughts. Do you think that anyone that you meet, anyone who comes up to you would be able to read these thoughts which are presently in your head.

The answer unless they have extreme psychic abilities is no, that they won’t have a clue what you’re thinking about, but most will get an idea of “how” you may be feeling.

Once you enter a party that’s filled with people you know, your friends, family, and colleagues, do they all suddenly fall silent as if something bad is about to happen, or does everyone perk up a bit, as if they’re anticipating something exciting to happen.

Your Thoughts Into Action
All these scenarios depends on your attitude. Your thoughts are extremely powerful. They have the ability to affect your overall attitude. The same attitude that you carry which reflects directly on your appearance, this unless you have the ability to deceive, to fraud, or if you’re a great actor.

Your attitude, your demeanor can affect the behavior of others around you like an invisible trance. The type and degree of attitude that you carry depends strictly on you. It can be positive or negative.

What choosing positive thoughts has is a fulfilling effect. It’s admittedly invigorating. Also, those around you, provided you have positive thoughts, usually becomes energized by this type of attitude.

What negative thoughts have is a sapping effect on others. Aside from looking sad and gloomy, one negative thought can spread and turn a festive gathering into a dour virus.

What a positive attitude does is it naturally attracts people, while a negative one subconsciously repels them. People tend to naturally avoid, shy away from those who displays a negative brooding aura.

It All Depends On You
The definition of an attitude is the way that you view the world. If you focus on the negative things in life, more or less you’ll have a negative attitude. If you have a positive outlook, then you’ll display a positive attitude.

Positive attitudes are extremely affectionate. For one, they promote better health, while attracting others who inherits a similar outlook on life. Positive attitudes are capable of handling stress, anxiety, and life issues a lot better than those with a negative one.

Thinking positively reflects a healthy self image. If you love who your are and the way you look with no regrets, are completely satisfied, self assured, and confident, then you’ll make others around you feel the same.

Having a negative attitude has the opposite effect. Carrying a poor attitude has its drawbacks, you feel bad about yourself, and then you draw others down to feel the same way that you do.

Adopting A Positive Outlook
If you want a positive attitude, then you need to develop healthy thoughts. This is perhaps the most difficult to do since everything around us, the media, all they report is bad news and negative images.

For instance, there are studies which shows that for every 12 things that a parent says to their child, that just one of them is positive. This is a true and saddening thought.

So to transform your mind into thinking positively, watch a movie that you know is funny. Take your dog out for a walk, play a fun game with your children, hear, read, or tell funny jokes, look at heart warming videos on YouTube.

All of these activities will fill you with positive stimuli, which then promotes a positive attitude.


Avoid Negativity As Much As Possible
Although it’s impossible to avoid negative thoughts and events around us, you can still continue to carry a positive attitude, this by focusing on its bright side, firmly believing that this too will pass.

This positive attitude can also be of benefit to others. Often when people are down on themselves, what most will attempt to do is give them advice. But often, all they need is someone to just be with them, listen to them.

If you have a positive attitude, then just being by their side will transmit your positive vibes on them, cheering them up without you needing to say anything.

It’s Your Choice
So if having a positive attitude is so great, then why are there so many who have a negative one. It’s found that the biggest reason is that they’re just seeking attention. They’re usually just wanting someone to feel sorry for them.

It’s common to feel sad, upset, or angry, and it’s natural. But continuing to dwell on these thoughts for long isn’t healthy. There’s time to mourn, but don’t allow it to fester.

If you are beset by troubles, if you’re going through a rough dark patch, force yourself to focus on all the good things in your life, then you’ll always have hope. Believe everything can be overcome.

Just Choose To Be Happy
It’s up to you, you can be positive or negative. There are studies which shows that choosing a positive attitude will delay the aging process, makes you healthier, while helping you cope with stress better.

Just thinking positively, laughing out loud, and finding the humor in everything that you encounter, will have a positive effect on you and everyone else around you.

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