How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest What You Want

The whole idea of getting what you want is to become a co-creator with the universe, by manifesting what you want. Once you begin to use this properly, you’ll begin to attract whatever you ever dreamed of. Money, love, better relationships, etc. You can also do so much quicker than you’ve ever imagined.

It begins with gratitude, which can dramatically alter your life and will bring you more of what you’re currently wanting.

If you ever feel frustrated or down on yourself, the universe has no other choice but to bring you the same, which is more doom, gloom and despair.

What you attract back is the exact same of what you’re currently thinking of, which in this case is unhappiness and hollow.

So the primary rule when it comes to manifesting for best results, is being grateful of all the things in your current life you’re happy about.

Constantly Talk About It

It may initially appear hypocritical or egotistical to talk openly about what you want, your needs, as if you already own them.

In reality, all things, everything you want in your life, is already created on this planet somewhere.

The instance a thought is conceived, what you’re doing is bringing it into your reality, making that object one step closer to you.

The more you think about the thought, the stronger, the faster it moves towards your state of being.

Think of a child who wants something. How eager they become, as they’ll constantly talk about what they want until they get it.

What they don’t know or worry about is how or when they’ll get it, all they know is they will.

So speak words with conviction, regarding what you want to come into your life. What your words and thoughts does, is it feeds that creation, bringing it closer to you.

Surround Yourself With What You Want

What you’re asking yourself is, “How is it possible to surround myself with the things I want, if I don’t even have it?”

It’s not yours at the moment, but what you can do is envision, visit, or thrust yourself towards what you want.

This application involves you being in the energy of whatever it is you’re seeking.

It’s up to you to open the passage and create that state to attract it towards you, until it becomes yours.


What doing so does is it will bring you closer to what you’re wanting, by talking about or obsessing it.

What you’re doing is attracting exactly what you’re surrounding yourself with.

Just Let Go Of It

If you want something, release it to the universe, don’t hold on to it because of the fear of doubt.

The more you cling on to it, the more delayed the manifesting process becomes. What you appear is being needy.

To comply with how the universe works, what you need is to display the conviction of intention, while never showing stress or desperation.

Believe the attraction process is working for you, and what you want will manifest, and will soon become a reality. Then shift yourself into a state of receiving what you want.

The paradox when it comes to letting go, is it plays a large part in manifesting, because of the delicate balance of focusing on what you need without appearing frenzied.

Open Yourself To Receive

The next step of the attraction process is you need to adopt a state of receiving. This however is something most struggle with.

Many will say they want a specific thing, but very few know how to properly receive what they ask for.

Most become doubtful, feel unworthy and think they don’t deserve it. Deep within, they feel they won’t get what they ask for.

These small doubts of unworthiness, are huge blockages when it comes to the manifesting process, which only deters it.

The attraction process is an exact science which reflects our human nature, allowing you to see where you’re disconnected as a co-creator of the universe.

What you need is to feel more worthy of what you want, while opening yourself up to receive it.

Becoming Worthy

You can become worthy by believing you’re able to manifest anything you want, and deserve it.

Realize that what you want is completely insignificant, as it’s just a small speck of matter, when compared to the vast universe out there.

You deserve what you want because you have strong influence in your beliefs.

Once you use the attraction process to manifest a better life, what you’re doing is flowing yourself by adding value to the world.

The quicker you feel worthy of knowing what you want to manifest, the quicker it will come to you.

One of the biggest roadblocks is thinking you don’t deserve what you want.

You become what you feel, the universe then mirrors exactly what you think you deserve or want. So believe you’re worthy.

Give More Than You Want

What you may not currently have is enough money for instance, which is an universal need.

What you do have however, is something of value that may be in scarce supply, something someone else wants and will pay for.

Give to others, and you’ll be surprised how quickly the attraction process manifests abundance in your life.

There’s a certain flow in the universe and to manifest more, you need to get into that flow. The more that you give, the more you receive back.

Give what you can, while never ever depleting yourself. Give away what makes you happy.

Give with love sincerely, but be aware of conserving yourself, and the attraction process will bless you in spades.

As you give to others by helping them as much as you can, what you’ll then get back is more than you’ve asked for, and could have ever imagined.

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