A Proven Way To Win The Majority Of Your Negotiations

Realize every confrontation, every interaction when dealing with others in life, is a negotiation. Some are just more intense in nature, or has a monetary value attached to it. We negotiate to get a raise in allowance as children, we negotiate bad driving in traffic.

We negotiate with our spouse for favours, our customers over pricing or complaints. We’ll negotiate with our staff for more effort, we haggle to buy that new car.

Our entire life is centred around dealing. So to become successful, what you need is to learn …

How To Really Get What You Want In Life Right Now

Every day we wake up, we want something right now. Most are minor in nature such as a hot cup of coffee or to go to the bathroom. We then have bigger demands and life quests, which appears on the horizon or the immediate future. All things we want.

There’s something that’s always pending at this very moment, this very second, so it’s usually urgent.

As our thoughts are taken from our imagination to our consciousness, what’s constantly asked is, “What is it I want?”

Regardless if these thoughts are …

3 Steps To Manifesting Exactly What You Want In Life

What we think of the most, what our most persistent thoughts are does is creates what we want, so believe you can build a life of your dreams. All it takes is just a few steps, which will bring you closer to what you want. It begins with believing your thoughts is what manifests things to become reality.

Realize the world you live in today, is the total sum of someone’s previous thoughts. What these thoughts did was shaped our modern day life, the one we often take for granted. …

How To Become Popular In A Cold World Of Strangers

What we all have is this innate desire to become more lovable, popular and successful in our lives, at everything we do. What’s known, is there are certain ways, a protocol of sorts you can follow on how to become more popular, with a bit of polishing.

Then, you can advance to getting more of what you want in life. There are certain universal rules to achieve this popularity, which is the tonic used by those who are successful.

Try to be as pleasantly nice as possible at all times, …

6 Principles Of Modern Zen To Calm The Busy Mind And Body

Our life is in constant perpetual motion moving forward, good or bad. We then need to refocus the mind to balance our equilibrium. Regardless of what’s happening around us, we’re always given the choice of not becoming trapped in a state of stress and anxiety.

It becomes important to learn how to relax as quickly as possible, as having negative emotions can easily become habitual and harmful.

The longer you hold on to bad thoughts, the more difficult it becomes to let them go, as what they tend is to …