How To Say Goodbye To Those You No Longer Want In Your Life

There often comes a time when you need to part ways, this could be a love, hopefully not a family member, and everyone else in between. We meet people and like them on instinct, are drawn towards them, while we gradually begin to know each other. A relationship then begins to develop.

But often, it becomes apparent this relationship no longer serves any value to your life, and may at times become detrimental.

Then why hang on to them. Is it because of your past association with them, or for old times sake. What’s the point of handing on to relationships that’s gone stale.

You realize there’s nothing substantial enough to keep you connected with them, feeling they’re no longer worth conversing with as complacency sets in. There’s no reason to associate with them any longer.

Once you feel someone is no longer bringing any value to your life, not bringing that spark like they once did, then it may be a clear signal to just cut them loose.

Although this may sound a tad selfish, that you’re no longer wanting to associate with them, since they no longer cultivate a better you, as difficult as it may be, it’s your life.

Things Are Different Now

What people do is drift apart, which is a normal process of life. You begin to realize you want different things, you no longer have nothing in common, you no longer understand one other.

At times, it’s just a matter of accepting it’s time to let go, rather than attempting to reconcile, bring back something that was lost long ago, or perhaps, wasn’t really there in the first place.

It becomes difficult to hold on to people, but keep in mind you’re always destined to meet others along your journey, who can substitute this relationship.

The Trust Or Loyalty Is Gone

If you know you can’t trust this person any longer, or they’re not entirely loyal, you need to ask yourself why they remain in your life. Trust and loyalty are the core foundations of friendship.

If they’re never there for you, then realize they may have ulterior motives, which only leads to paranoia, frustration, anger, and increased tension. You may just be better off releasing them.

Find someone else who’s more transparent, someone you feel they’ll remain genuine and trustworthy to you. Someone who’s faithful and doesn’t question your every action.

You Don’t Know Where Things Stand

Once relationships become undefined, it gets confusing since you don’t know where you stand. If they’re not making you feel valued, then wonder why you allow them to treat you that way.

Be with those who you’re proud to be with for everyone to see. Be with someone who won’t “play” with your heart and mind, just because they know you’re vulnerable, or you’ll never leave them.

Avoid Those Damaging Relationships

If all the relationship does is makes you miserable, then have the courage to cut and release. Never allow yourself to feel trapped, or feel you’re being used, and treated worse than you deserve.

Once someone puts you down, starts to compete with you, doesn’t pay attention or ignores you, abuses you while not caring what you think, embarrasses you in front of others, then remove them from your life.


Hopefully, it’s not a relative with some type of ego agenda you can’t avoid or can’t get rid of, otherwise, just respect yourself enough to walk away from them.

You Just Never Agree

It’s difficult to make any relationship work, so if you especially can’t ever see someone’s point of view, that you both agree to disagree, then it may be time to avoid them.

Most of the time, these relationships come together through unlikely sources, such as at work, so you have nothing in common.

If find the situation just won’t work, and find the majority of your stress and angst are a result of it, get out when you can.

One Sided Love Affair

If you think you’re the only one putting any effort into the relationship, then ponder on whether it’s worth it. If someone cares about you, wants or needs you, then they would never allow you to feel that way.

Find someone who energizes you while making you feel worthwhile and heard. Find someone who’ll fight to have you in their life. Someone who knows how lucky they are to know you. Don’t bother wasting your time on anything less.

There’s No Belief In You

If you’re feeling that your relationship isn’t providing you with the support you’re wanting, then realize what they’re not providing. You deserve someone who’s there when you need them.

This means unconditional encouragement and support, this to compliment and add to your journey, while completely believing in you when your own faith might be wavering.

Let Go If You’re Not Getting What You Want

Ask yourself honestly if you can do without the relationship, or if it’s something that you need, and can’t live without. At times, there’s this belief that we’re too picky with what we want from others, but then, why settle for anything less than your happiness.

Never allow anyone to make you feel needy or small, this a condition for their love, care, or support. Find those who’ll listen to you while giving you insightful advice.

A true friend is someone who wants similar things, someone that you can trust while being loyal to you. Someone who believes strongly in you and your welfare. Someone who’ll make you feel special.

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