Recognizing Common Muscle Pain From Excess Fitness Training

whattolookforwhenrunningonthepavementPain in the body happens, your muscles and your tendons, back, shoulders, legs, feet, they all at times can become sore. This usually from physically working out too much, as your muscles become overworked, and needs to adjust themselves.

Usually, when it does come to muscle soreness, the pain is at times tolerable enough so you can manage or ignore it. But once it does come down to chronic body pain, you need to slow down, and listen to what may be a cry for help.

What you first need to do is recognize and know the difference when it comes to pain. Is it just a nagging temporary muscle ache, or is it an actual injury which could eventually lead towards rehabilitation. And if you do continuously happen to aggravate it, the recovery time could be long term.

The key is to know the telltale signs of what an everyday common pain is, and what you should be looking out for. This way, you’ll be insured in keeping your workouts injury free.

Keep in mind that these are just the common scenarios, and a layman’s guideline, and not professional medical advice. If you have been experiencing any of the following body pains, and are unsure of what to about do, it’s advised that you visit your doctor to get the pain diagnosed.

The following body pain symptoms, while working out, which you shouldn’t ignore:
Pain When Lifting Weights
Extreme Tenderness In The Groin Area
Say if your workout regime consists of performing deadlifts, heavy squats, or lunges, and you happen to get extremely tight, or feel sudden pain directly in the groin area, then this shouldn’t be ignored. This type of pain could be anything from a simple temporary muscle cramp, to a muscle pull, this depending on how severe the injury is.

If you immediately attempt the same workout action again, such as doing a lunge, and the pain occurs again, but it’s less severe, then this is a pretty good indication that you may of pulled a thigh muscle.

While muscular soreness is always expected when performing intense weightlifting sessions, when there’s tightness, almost like a cramp, that’s a strong indicator that you may of injured something, and you need to back off. It’s advised that you perform other exercises which doesn’t affect that area for the remainder of the workout.

Make sure that you stretch out that area immediately following the workout, and if needed, apply ice if there’s any swelling which may of occurred. Give it up to a week to heal, and then proceed your workouts again.

Sudden Pain In The Neck Or Head Area
If you happen to experience a sudden pain in the head area, especially when, say you’re squatting heavy weights, then stop immediately and analyze your form. This pain shouldn’t be ignored as it could potentially be a blood vessel that’s being overloaded, due to too much pressure, or it can also be a seizing muscle which can’t deal with the stress of the heavy weight.

So if you’re accustomed to lifting heavy weights while doing squats, make sure that you’re looking directly forward and concentrating on keeping your shoulders, and your neck muscles as loose as possible.

If you don’t do so, that area may be taking the brunt of the force of the weight, which could potentially lead towards unneeded serious strain placed in that area.

Sharp Stabbing Back Pain
While during any physical activity, you should always be paying close attention towards any type of back pain, as this could potentially become chronic. So when the pain is especially sharp and direct, then immediately stop what you’re doing. Sharp pain is usually an indicator that something is drastically wrong, which could range anywhere from a pinched nerve to a slipped disc.

If you happen to be lifting a lot weight which requires you to lift over your head, such as military presses or snatches, then what you’re doing is constantly stressing and squeezing the vertebra with the excess weight.

All it takes is just a simple and slight adjustment in your step for a vertebra to easily move out of alignment, which can then lead towards pain throughout the entire body, this depending on which vertebra is dislocated.

Once this happens, medical attention is recommended as soon as possible to access the damage. This issue should also be corrected before lifting again without exceptions, as the spine is the base of all body movement.

Pain When Running
Constant Pain In The Shins
Shin splints is one of the most common running injuries which can also be extremely persistent over time, this because of the constant and continual pounding which occurs on the tibia bone.


While at times, the shin pain may just be the result of overuse, and can usually be remedied by taking a couple days off. But if you’re suffering from actual shin splints, you’ll then need much more of an in-depth recovery process.

If you are experiencing shin pain, take note of how long that the pain lasts, and exactly where the pain is located. If it’s been longer than two weeks, then it’s recommended that you see a sports specialist to have it looked at.

If the problem happens to get worse, and you choose not to seek any help, it could potentially lead towards a stress fracture, so immediate and constant attention is required.

Constant Ankle Pain
The majority of runners are extremely dedicated to running, and are used to and expect some type of pain at all times during the run. But any time that you force your body to run longer distances, as you’re prone to do, such as running a 10k run, a half marathon, or a full marathon, there will always be some type of pain depending on your fitness level.

It’s true that all runners will usually sacrifice varying degrees of pain, and will become accustomed to it, this in exchange for the pleasure of running. They force themselves through the pain with sheer determination, despite some of the hurt.

The one pain, however, that you should always be aware of when running is ankle pain. If you happen to experience pain in your ankles, which feels like your foot wants to give in once you strike the pavement, it may be time to stop and listen.

What this could be are signs of a sprained ankle or ligament damage, and if you don’t look after this specific pain immediately, you could potentially be looking at weeks of recovery time.

The ankle joint has a variety of ligaments as well as tendons, so it’s not really that extraordinary for something to potentially to go wrong with just a slight twist, or an off balanced step.

Having the proper fitting pair of running shoes for your body type, and for the shape of your foot is important, as is trying to run strictly on level surfaces, which helps in preventing ankle pain from occurring.

It’s also impossible to completely eliminate all of the risks when it comes to any outdoor terrain. If you’re going to run, learn to pay close attention towards your body, and all the joint areas, such as: the ankles, knees, and hips, and know the signs when enough is enough.

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