The Courage To Overcome Perfection When Facing Failure

Perfectionism is the setback when it comes to starting, building and marketing your business. It restricts you from moving forward, and taking advantage of new opportunities. What we’ll constantly do, is dream up unrealistic expectations, seek perfection, procrastinate then fail.

Striving for perfection is an emotional response, one that damages our self-esteem and pride, because of the fear of failure, thinking we’re not good enough.

Instead, choose to adopt an attitude of striving for excellence. Look at failure, as a notch in the learning process. Expect to make mistakes, to get ahead.

The best way to overcome perfectionism, is by taking action. Begin by showing the world who you are. Never wait until everything’s perfect, as things never will be.

Realize everything’s a work in progress, so do something right now, get feedback, and make the corrections as you move forward.

Just Say “No”

We often set standards that are too high and impossible to reach, even under the best of circumstances. During these times, learn to say “no” to yourself.

One of the setbacks of perfectionism, is we expect too much of ourselves to quickly.

This isn’t saying sacrifice quality, but expending your energy unwisely, isn’t productive.

Set Realistic Goals

Placing unreasonably high demands on yourself, goes hand in hand with setting unrealistic goals. You can’t expect to do everything you want to at once, which develops procrastination.

Creating a reasonable plan on what needs to be done in your business, should be top priority. When doing major projects, break it down into smaller easier doable steps.

Creating a new website for instance, can be a daunting task for some. Breaking it up into a number of smaller steps, makes it easier to do.

Peer Support

Find advice such as from friends, colleagues, or family members, who will give you their honest feedback, on the projects you’re working on.

If you think something isn’t perfect enough, they should be able to provide you with the reasons why. Often, we get so caught up in what we’re doing, our perspective becomes distorted.

Work With Purpose

Adopt the mindset of whatever you’re doing, it’s the right and best thing at that moment. It will accelerate your brand, as others will find your sense of personal conviction impressive.

Doing so also gives you the confidence to make things happen, and make them happen quickly.

You’ll then begin taking more risks, attract new business, and work more effectively at everything you do.


Redefine Failure

Failure is an universal message you’re doing something wrong, so expect it in your efforts. Failure isn’t the end but a new beginning, which doesn’t mean you’re incompetent.

Consider failure to be your greatest teacher, which can mould your attitude and innovate your business.

Failure provides you with invaluable data, you’re doing something wrong, or going in the wrong direction.

The sooner you master the fear of failure, the sooner you’re able to re-orient yourself in another direction, the road to your success.

Re-frame Your Attitude

Perfectionism is defined as being free from fault or defect, or the state of being saintly. Define what it means to you.

The words you use to describe who you are or what you do, makes a tremendous impact on your mindset, and the success you achieve.

It becomes important how you define perfection to yourself. Begin by adopting the attitude you are “perfect” just the way you are, that you’re good enough.

Write down on paper what perfection means to you, then post it somewhere so you can read it on a daily basis, as a reminder.

Living In An Imperfect World

The best opportunities in life will usually appear, when you’re not being perfect and just living life, when you’re least expecting it.

Opportunities will appear out of the blue, when you’re unarmed and not ready, so the key becomes to always be aware and wait for opportunity.

Your imperfect self for instance, chats with someone who also appears far from being perfect. Then suddenly the next thing you know, you both realize a potential new business partnership.

Opportunities are everywhere. Take a look at the last few things you did, which you didn’t think were perfect, or didn’t meet your standards.

Realize the results of what you did were, what blossomed as a result.

Make Things Happen

Just continue to do things and keep yourself busy, put yourself into action, tell others what you can do for them, as what doing so does is invites opportunity.

These actions are infinitely more valuable, than spending another dollar or another minute, attempting to make everything perfect, in the hopes it’ll bring some type of success.

What people aren’t attracted to is perfection, they’re attracted to people who make things happen.

If you’re someone trying to be perfect at everything you do, then you’re not in the position to gain more business, or make new networking contacts.

It’s also important to surround yourself with others, who likes to take action.

What they’ll do is motivate you to do the same, as well as give you the opportunity to witness firsthand, the results they’re getting, by taking this action.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Perfectionists will constantly put themselves down once not reaching their lofty goals, of not being perfect. Perfection is more an ideal and not realistic, as life is a constant moving target.

Learn to forgive yourself, once you do something you don’t think is good enough or perfect.

Constantly be forgiving yourself for being you, making mistakes and failing, while knowing everything you do, was your best personal effort at that time.

Potential clients aren’t attracted to you, because of your business, website, or marketing. They’re drawn to you, because of who you are, with all your imperfections.

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