What it comes down to is your mental recovery rate, from the daily grind of living life. How the actions and behaviors of others upset you. Does it take minutes, hours, or days, for you to get out of your funk, and become functional again.
This obviously depends on the severity of the incident, but the longer it takes for you to mentally recoup yourself, the less effective you are.
So ask yourself, once you get upset with your spouse, kids, or coworkers. How long do you stay upset.
If you remain mad, then think of all the opportunities you’re missing during that time, since you are still focused on the anger. What a poor recovery rate does, is affects your health, well-being, and reaching your potential.
Get Over It
What’s known is how quickly professional athletes are able to physically recover after an event, is what makes them elite.
So they keep their body in prime shape, train their mind, muscles, and respiratory system, to recover as fast as possible.
Likewise, the faster you let go of an issue that upset you, the faster you’ll return back to equilibrium, and the healthier you’ll be.
The sooner you forget about an upsetting incident and pout, the sooner you’ll be ready for the next incident.
All The Life’s A Stage
What the award winning actors on stage, TV and cinema are able to do, is recover quickly from their previous act.
They have a script, where they need to speak and act out their role, convincingly. Then completely forget about it, and move on to the next act.
The key, becomes playing their part to the best of their ability, and then getting over it as soon as possible.
Our daily lives are similar. In our case we experience a variety of incidents in real time.
At the end of the incident, a new incident begins, which may or may not be related to the previous one. What you need, is to react to each new incident, to the best of your ability.
The World Is Watching
We’ve all heard that “All the world’s a stage.” That your entire life, is nothing but a play, a drama, and it comes down to how well you play your role. Some do it well, others poorly.
Your duty, is to play your role the best you can. The better you do, the chances increases you’ll inspire others around you, while improving their performance.
Each incident you face is a new act. So learn how to stop, recover, and start.
Forget And Reset
Realize every time you talk to someone, or you have a conversation on the phone, send a text or email. The slate is clean, it’s a completely new incident.
Whatever occurred in the past with that person, good or bad, you’ve both moved on as time has passed, since you last spoke.
Dwelling on the last time you met, only prevents you from moving forward, while preventing new opportunities.
So the next time you see that person who may of previously upset you, or you upset them, realize it’s now a brand new situation.
Realize there’s nothing to be gained, by continuing from where you both left off previously.
That past incident has ended. You’re both now in a different mindset and place. It’s a completely new situation.
The Past Has Past
Some call it destiny. Accept what happened in the past as fate, and then move on. You can’t change what happened, so just bury it. Sulking, brooding, or dwelling won’t help.
All what analyzing and reflecting does, is gives you stress, while keeping the event fresh in your mind.
Realize you’ll never experience the same exact incident again, so decide to move on.
What you can do however, is monitor which thought patterns or habits are similar.
Which ones activates certain responses, which delays you from performing to your potential. Then find ways, to change that habit.
So stop living in the past, but in the present. Don’t allow the past, to dictate your future.
Never allow previous thoughts, to interfere with your current life. Learn to recover quickly.
Improving Your Recovery Rate
What improving your recovery rate involves, is making changes in your subconscious thoughts, behavior, and attitude.
Doing so requires plenty of effort, so it’s not an easy process to do.
Never force yourself, but instead make it a lifestyle choice, which makes you a more complete person.
What’s needed is extended effort at the beginning, until you find what works the best.
Only when you’re wanting to change, when your life isn’t working out well, is when you force yourself to alter your behavior, which improves your recovery rate.
Improving your recovery rate is a mindful process, as you need to monitor or change your thoughts and behavior in real-time, when wanting to perform at your peak.
You can check your progress, by measuring how quick you’re able to come to a complete stop, and reset your mind.
The time it takes for you to let things go. The time it takes, until you’re thinking of the next incident, to move forward.
A Work In Progress
Constantly be monitoring yourself, on what your recovery rate is, after having an argument with your spouse, a friend or coworker.
Also realize there are various levels of severity, depending on the situation and incident.
Know what your recovery rate is after you’ve lost a sale, after receiving a ticket for speeding, getting angry.
What’s your recovery rate, once finding out you or a loved one becomes ill. Know what your recovery rate is, after you get frustrated with yourself over… whatever.
Getting over your anger issues, by resetting your mind is a work in progress, and can’t be done overnight. Monitor the speed of your recovery rate, on a daily basis.