How To Get Deep Peaceful Sleep Regardless Of Your Condition

getting deep peaceful sleepLiving a full productive life that’s injected with stress usually interferes with getting the good nights sleep that we need. Some are full of anxiety while lying in bed attempting to sleep, twisting and turning, unable to do so because of an aching body or a racing mind.

Chronic worry or persistent unrelenting thoughts will keep us awake at night for hours on end. We’re sensitive to the nagging pain, the loud ticking clock, the heat, the noise outside which prevents us from drifting off, this regardless of how tired we are.

Then we resort to sugar or caffeine once we pull ourselves out of bed grumpy. Frowning with the miserable “don’t mess with me” mean face which emanates from our glare, as we stride into the new day. These the symptoms of another sleepless night.

Why You Can’t Sleep
We’ve all experienced these times of insomnia at some point in our lives. The pressures of life, stress from our family or work, leaves us twisting, turning, sweating, attempting to fall asleep.

It can at times also be a medical condition as some are diagnosed with symptoms of a severely sensitive nervous system, one so relentless that it prevents them from falling asleep, which leads to chronic insomnia.

What getting proper rest equals is getting into a deep reconstructive sleep cycle, which some never unfortunately experience. So what needs to be created is the proper environment that’s conductive to getting this valuable shuteye.

Eat Sleep Inducing Meals
If you’re looking for a good nights sleep, begin by eating certain nutritional foods which promotes sleep, the ones which includes melatonin, tryptophan, or magnesium. Eat a combination of quality proteins along with complex carbohydrates.

For dinner, saute dark green leafy vegetables with sliced turkey or chicken breast. For dessert, try frozen yogurt, fresh cherries or blueberries, and choose coconut milk as the beverage of choice.

Relax Yourself Down
In the evening, try avoiding all forms of stimulation. Dim down the lights and then slow your mind down. Do things which are relaxing, such as gentle yoga, reading, or taking a hot bath.

If possible, make it a point to force relaxation of all types as the theme after dinner. If certain tasks of vital importance becomes unavoidable, then do them in the most relaxed possible manner.

Attempt to go to sleep at the same time every night. What our bodies are designed for is shutting down at around 10PM, and waking at 6AM. The most reconstructive sleep occurs after 10PM until 2AM.

Take A Hot Relaxing Bath
This to induce a good nights sleep while reflecting and then preparing for the busy day ahead. Begin by combining 1/2 cup of Epsom salt and add a few drops of an essential oil such as lavender, directly into the hot water.

Soak down in the bubbly suds for at least 20 minutes, preferably longer. The magnesium that’s found in the Epsom salt will be absorbed by the skin which promotes the feeling of relaxation and calm. What salt and water does is it dissolves all of the compiled energy from the day.

Set The Right Conditions
Align your internal cycle and body rhythm for more peaceful sleep. Get the proper and adequate exposure to the sun during the day, and then dim the lights a few hours before going to bed.

Sleep in a cool room that’s pitch dark or wear an eye mask. Some will play soothing relaxing background music, while others find wearing earplugs are a solution if overly sensitive to noise.

Try Relaxing During The Day
Make it a point to relax by taking 15 minute breaks during the day that’s strictly dedicated for relaxation. Doing so will keep your body and mind in balance, so you’re not in a constant state of anxiety which can compound at the end of the day.

The Reduction Of Caffeine
Some claim that you should shut off all sources of caffeine at around 2PM. The reason being that any form of it can remain active in your body for anywhere from 8 to 14 hours after consuming it.


Although caffeine effects people differently, the general rule of thumb is, this especially if you’re currently having trouble sleeping, completely stop all forms of caffeine for at least a month, and see if doing so has any effect on your sleep patterns.

What you should also be aware of are all the hidden sources which contains caffeine, such as tea, soda, and chocolate. Try switching to lemon water, green tea, or the various herbal coffee replacements instead.

Adopt Better Breathing Techniques
One technique is left nostril breathing. Begin by blocking off your right nostril completely by closing it off with your right thumb. Then begin taking long slow deep breaths, this just through your left nostril and not through your mouth.

What the left nostril breathing technique offers is a refreshing soothing effect that’s relaxing on the body and mind. This Kundalini Yoga technique suggests that you take at a minimum, around 26 long slow deep mindful breaths.

What doing so in the evening or right before going to sleep does is it produces a deep calm relaxing effect on the mind, which then usually results in a natural deep sleep.

Your Attitude About Sleep
What having anxiety based thoughts about sleeping does is it creates additional tension in the body, which tenses it up, resulting in a more difficult time falling into a peaceful sleep.

One of the greatest fears is not being able to fall asleep, which ironically keeps you awake, then the dreaded symptoms of insomnia occur. So just believing that you can fall asleep will actually help you do so.

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