How To Radiate Beauty Without The Need To Look Beautiful

The strikingly beautiful are placed on a pedestal, become idols, because of their stunning gift of god luminance. What the varying degrees of physical beauty in one’s eyes reflect, is that perception. The mortals then become their disciples, falling into a trance.

The pretty people out there, draws a certain sense of awe in those around them, almost becoming untouchable.

Just as we’ll shine up our shoes, spit polish our cars, trim our lawns to manicured precision. What all this fatal beauty does is provides eye candy appeal for all to adore.

The reason is you were born beautiful. You then keep your face and body in pristine shape, at its peak, in its prime ultimate health, for those who wants to worship or emulate you.

Most believe beauty in humans isn’t trivial, but it’s a core necessity for a civilized society.

Imagine a world where everyone abandons restraint, decides to shuffle around in bad trending clothing with drooping bellies, godawful disheveled hair, and poorly stained teeth.

No one would be happy, the eye appeal isn’t there, the world would be drab and boring.

Those who happen to shun beauty as superficial, are most likely just too lazy to reach for that bottle of shampoo or jump on the treadmill.

Beauty Is In The Eye Of…

What we’re all conditioned to want and thus crave, is the face of a supermodel or the body of a Greek god with precise body proportions.

This is an illusion, a myth which is promulgated by the media. What you need is to be a picture perfect human.

Being attractive is the creation of the slick ad men projecting their slippery charm.

They offer the latest creams and lotions, the protruding bust implants to inflate egos, promising precise physical beauty.

God You Are Beautiful

Beautiful people are pedestal humans, awesomely crafted to perfection and privileged by their genetic gifts.

What they do is maintain their diet, keep their bodies clean and fit, while donning tasteful clothing projecting sex appeal.

To maintain their image, to empower their perceived lifestyles, they engage in the varied activities other beautiful people do.

Doing so enriches their self awareness which the mere mortals place on them.


The Vain Of The Beautiful

Beauty is thought to be ingrained. What physically attractive people do is attempt to assert their opinions and fight their convictions, by adorning their beauty.

Those who are beautiful can afford to betray their intelligence, while amplifying their personality.

Recall and realize that personality can be deceptive, by how they alter their look, carry themselves, for the world to see.

Beauty The Holistic

Beauty is holistic. Those who are magnetic, those dynamic people make it a point to take the effort to always be the best they can be and look.

What they’ve inherited is they’re fusions of body, soul and spirit.

Hence, what they do, these beautiful creatures, is build up each facet by they honing their passions and talents.

Some however might have ordinary faces yet lead extraordinary lives. These are the exceptions who are the best humanity can offer.

They can easily and consistently outshine the shiny faces of the runway models on the catwalk of life.

What augmenting beauty means is simply caring for the body as well as the mind. It doesn’t need or take that much effort, but just a tad of self regulation.

1.) – Always Keep Yourself Current

Keep up to date by reading the latest trends, periodicals and publications, which are your best points of references.

Speed up whatever that’s currently on your mind, which racks up beauty points with all your enlightened discussions.

What’s extremely attractive is intelligence.

2.) – Life Is A Lightening Rod

Study or watch a bit of the humor such as a stand-up comedy act. What you’ll develop is a sense of what’s genuinely funny.

Then learn to incorporate that into your personality. Quick wit is and always will remain a beloved rarity, a cherished commodity.

3.) – Watch What You Eat

Is that another double cheeseburger you’re scarfing down, while watching YouTube cat video shorts.

Know you need to stop poisoning your body and mind with such toxins.

You are what you eat and consume, and you will turn out that way.

What you don’t want is to be a lard bucket with a boring brain, so renovate your diet and flush your mind to become healthy.

4.) – Keep Yourself Clean

Make personal hygiene a priority, always use deodorant, mouthwash, and shampoo.

Doing so still works better and a lot more effective than the latest trendy pheromone sprays, libido enhancers, nose lifts, or botox.

Good hygiene is the cure which attracts the honey.

5.) – Dress For Success

Always dress well so you can be impressive at all times. We’ve all been exposed looking tacky at the most inopportune embarrassing moments.

There you are, in your sloppy sweats at the mall, then you unfortunately run into a beautiful stranger while in your distasteful duds.

So make a commitment to yourself, and say, never again.

Never will I allow this to happen to me ever again, “I will look my best at all times.”

6.) – Always Be Asking

Always be listening and then questioning. The most dazzling of conversationalists are those who know how to avoid monopolizing conversations.

Instead, what they’ll do is listen intently to you, then ask loaded personal questions.

People will then sit back and hear you speak diligently, at times for hours on end. So stop and think about that.

Think why that person you’re most attracted to, just happens to be the greatest listener in the world.

Always Think Beautiful

Always think sexy. Feel elegant, as you’ll become who you think you are, without fail. What your body does is it follows what the mind dictates.

So get out there you, and be that dynamic beautiful person you are, and you will glow.

You can then be just as popular as those runway models, without using all those creams, lotions, and distorted dreams.

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