How To Use Social Media More Efficiently On Apple Safari Browsers

someone taking a bite out of an apple

If you’re like the majority of PC users, you’ll mostly likely have at least one Mac device in your home or your office. So what’s listed are a few tips on how to better use social media on your Safari browser, allowing you to become a lot more efficient when performing your tasks.

Adding The Twitter Extension To Your Safari Browser
If you’re someone who uses Twitter, and who doesn’t these days, then using the Twitter for Safari extension may save you a bit of time by making your tweets and thus online life a little bit easier to manage.

Twitter for Safari, which is the “official” Twitter extension specific for Safari, will let you know if the Web page that you’re on is trending or not on Twitter.

If you decide or are wanting to tweet about that particular page you’re on, Twitter for Safari will then automatically shorten that URL for you. If you’re wanting to add the Twitter for Safari extension, you can easily do so by downloading it at extensions

Click the Twitter Tools direct from the menu which is located on the left side, and then click on the “Install Now” tab which is next to Twitter for Safari.

Adding Delicious And StumbleUpon To The Safari Browser
Delicious and StumbleUpon are excellent tools to use if you love surfing around the net. But unfortunately, neither Delicious or Stumble-Upon currently offers extensions for the Safari.

One easy way however, and the most obvious to get around this is to add both directly to your Safari bookmarks menu bar. You can add any site for that matter to your Safari bookmarks menu bar by going to the website which you’re wanting to add, such as or, and bookmark it directly.

Once you’re at the site, left-click your mouse next to the URL in the Safari browsers navigation bar and then just drag the link to your bookmarks menu bar.

Safari will then prompt you to immediately rename the link. You will want to do this, under certain situations, when the description of the site you’re wanting to save may already be used as the site name.

If you prefer plug-ins and add-ons, then you may want to use another browser. Both Firefox as well as Google Chrome has direct add-ons for Delicious as well as Stumble-Upon, as well as other similar sites that you’re wanting to bookmark.

Using iChat For Chatting On Facebook
If you like to use iChat on a regular basis and are also on Facebook, it’s possible that you can use iChat to converse with your Facebook friends. All you’re required to do is just set up your Facebook account with iChat.

Begin by opening iChat, then click on the iChat icon, which is the blue bubble with the camera on your Dock. You can then add a new account by clicking on the plus sign.

Once in the iChat Account dialog window, select Jabber as the Account Type. For the Account Name, you can type in, where your Facebook account name is “your_name.”

If you don’t currently have a Facebook account name, then you can easily set one up in your Facebook’s account settings. Then proceed to enter your Facebook password. Click on the arrow which is next to Server Options.

Once in the Server Name field, enter and then enter 5222 for the port. Make sure that you leave the box which is directly next to SSL unchecked.

Changing Your Screen Saver To RSS
Nearly every blog as well as the majority of websites will allow you to subscribe to their RSS feed. What RSS feeds are is an easy method of tracking as well as keeping up with what’s new or changed on a site that you’re following, without having to check it on a daily basis.


Although this is often overlooked, what you’re able to do is set your screen saver to your favorite RSS feeds. Begin by clicking on the Apple icon which is located on the main menu bar. Proceed to select System Preferences, and then click Desktop and then Screen Saver. Select the Screen Saver tab.

From the list which is on the left-hand side, select RSS Visualizer. Click on the Options button. You will then be presented with a list of RSS feeds which you’re subscribed to. You can then select one of them to use as your screen saver. Another option is you can enter an RSS feed URL directly into the Feed URL field as well.

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