How You React Meeting Someone New Reveals Your Personality

We all get butterflies in the pit of our stomach, feel a bit queasy, get a bit nervous when meeting someone new for the first time. This could be a business meeting, social event, or a romantic date. When we get anxious, our conscious mind boils over, which reveals what our true personality is.

From the moment, the instance two people meet, what we’ll do is instinctively analyze one other, size each other up, this before a word is ever spoken.

What we’ll do is look for visual signs, clues, for qualities such as the other persons honesty, intelligence, altruism, or how aloof they appear.

This happens during every situation when strangers first meet. An anxiety fueled “blind date,” a job interview, or closing that sales deal.

All the small mannerisms reveals all. From how firm the handshake is, to how often one blinks or looks away.

What’s isolated are the small gestures, the nuances which stands out, and becomes peculiar.

All this in the attempts to make a good first impression, when meeting someone new.

What these subtle details we give off, does is reveals our true personality. It becomes key to know what the most common behaviors are that others will use to judge us, and how we judge them.

That Fishy “Cold” Handshake

What a handshake mirrors are certain characteristic traits. This on how we reveal ourselves, how we’re feeling inside at that exact moment in time.

What most will do, is instantly grade someone based on their handshake. As that’s usually the first point of contact other than the initial “Hello.”

Firm handshakes will usually reveal a person of strong confident character. Handshakes that are weak, limp, cold and moist, indicates a lack of confidence.

What research shows, is your handshake gives away certain areas of your personality instantly.

Someone with a firm grasp is a person likely to be extroverted, expressing their emotions outwardly, and not neurotically.

Making Eye Contact

A limp handshake along with not making eye contact, does is displays poor self control, low self-esteem, not being able to follow through on things, while displaying weak willpower.

What extroverts will do is look directly at a person, firmly into their eyes and do so often.

They’ll usually gaze for longer periods of time, when talking or listening to others, than introverts will.


Generally, those who look more often at the people they’re with, are usually more socially dominant, gregarious, and confident.

How Prompt Are You

Are you constantly always running a few minutes late, even if it’s an extremely important meeting.

As the seconds tick away, the person or party who you’re forcing to wait for you, is forming a negative impression of you.

Most people who are proactive and sincere, will show up on time, this because they’re self-motivated, courteous, organized, and they value their time and yours.

Those who procrastinate, are generally not that organized, and as a result will usually be running late.

Their mind is erratic and confused at the last minute, and then they lose track of their time and forced to be late.

According to research, those who are chronically late aren’t necessarily inconsiderate, but are most likely just laid-back, and not a go getter. They’re more of a “Type B” personality.

How You Treat Others

Say you’re on a first date, or a business lunch with a new client. How you’re perceived depends on how you treat others, such as the restaurant staff, for instance.

What keen observers will do, is pay close attention to how you interact specifically with those who mean nothing to you.

Some claim they’ll never date someone again, who’s rude to the restaurant staff, as that’s a “tell” on how they themselves, will most likely be treated in the future.

This is why some job interviewers, will perform senior management position interviews over lunch.

They’ll closely obverse how you socially interact, this to determine if you’re “executive” material or not.

This is the first clue, on how genuine you are as a person. So even though you’re nice to them, you may be rude or standoffish to someone serving the food.

Where You Look

One subtle tell on what type of personality you are, is revealed by where you look when you take a sip of water.

If you look directly into your glass, you are introspective, idealistic, focused, and extremely self-aware.

If you happen to look over the rim of the glass, and at the person sitting directly across from you, you are more influenced, conscious of others, more extroverted and carefree.

Generally more open and trusting.

A person who briefly closes their eyes while taking a sip of water, may currently be having stress issues, be in some type of discomfort or pain, and preoccupied by something.

If You Fidget

Such as biting your nails or stroking your hair. Whenever someone happens to be constantly chewing their nails, that’s a sign they’re “eating” away at themselves.

What research shows is nail biters for instance, or those who pick at their skin, or constantly pulls their hair, are usually perfectionists, and unable to completely relax.

Your Handwriting

This usually won’t apply itself in the first five minutes of meeting someone new. But how you stroke your pen when writing a grocery list or a love note, reveals a lot about your personality.

It’s found those who places extreme pressure on the tip of their pen on paper when writing, are usually more stubborn in attitude, while having self-confidence.

This is a science in itself, as graphologists will tell you what writing large words does, is indicates you’re a people person. While writing small compact words suggests you’re introverted.

Words on paper where the writing slants forward, can mean you’re friendly and progressive.

Words written straight up means you’re pragmatic, while words which are slanted backwards, suggests you’re introspective.

How Often Are You Distracted

You look around erratically or are constantly checking your phone, this when you’re alone or with someone.

If you’re constantly refreshing your Facebook or checking out other people around you, then you’re needlessly anxious.

What research shows, is if you’re constantly distracted, it’s a sign you may not be emotionally stable, and what you’re looking for is a boost in your self-esteem.

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